Legends of Belariath


His story is one that starts even before his birth with details of how he came to be that would as a result end up effecting the rest of his life. His mother was an arrogant thing which in truth would be no big surprise in their culture. She spent long stretches away from the village that had been constructed in a cavern tunnel just beyond the Nethergloom proper. Such was never questioned or condemned since she had a habit of returning with prizes of conquest, bounty she called it. When she turned up with child in the months following one of these outings her trips stopped with no explanation as to why. The months passed and with time Arumil was bore his place in their social largely decided on that day though such things were not so rigid in the small outer village as they would of been in the gloom proper.

In his youth he was no different than other little boys his age much of the menial work having been delegated to him and the other boys. There was some expectation from his mother at least that he would have a high skill in the magical arts since she herself was despite falling short of that expectation all the same the tradition high opinion of himself and his races was easily instilled in the boy. But in truth he barely master simple tricks and spells of necessity. As he grew up though he did develop a passion for artful things. He becoming quite adept at the craft and by the time he reached his late teens he was the most skilled sculptor in the whole of the village. That skill set him aside from the drudgery of the mundane and back breaking work. He was more that happy to cut out of stone and wood the artful if not unsettling pieces of sculpture that were most desired among those of his village.

His ashen complexion while not all together uncommon for his race was starting to draw attention of the more influential individuals within the tribe. There was a silent inquisition where his mother was questioned at length those long treks away from the village coming back to haunt her. Half the night was spent trying to drag the truth from her and when she broke she revealed that the man that had fathered Arumil was human. While the truth was she had been having an ongoing love affair with the man but she claimed it as rape a deed that was so common that the others had to forgive the mix of blood. Forgiveness only goes so far it seems keeping his mother detained others were sent to Arumil's room on a cold quiet night. Dragged from his bed a few meager things gathered for him he was paraded through the village like a spectacle to draw the scorn of all those that would see him. Brought to the brink of the cavern one of those that had dragged him alone whispered harshly against his ear 'Your mother has sinned against her people and spawned a child fathered by lowly human filth.' Pushed from the cavern into the light of the dawning sun he made no pleas for mercy not begging to see his mother. He simply turned and started away his eyes slipping toward the ground as he ventured out into a world unknown to him silent of the shame that had cost him his home.