Legends of Belariath


If you know anything about a Pixie, it would be that they are magical creatures! Filled with lust and wonder and a great sense of adventure, right? They live in the forest, are small and have cute houses made from toadstools? They are quick in flight when tiny, love shiny things and are all for a good prank that was pulled on someone else! Yes, that is how they are known. Breena is of that nature as well though there are a few slight differences about this small being.

When asked where she is from, the girl has no answer. All she can remember is being in the beautiful forest, zip zipping along, flying about and picking pretty flower petals to make beautiful dresses. There are fleeting memories, mostly dark and scary and of these things, she has pushed them back, far, far back into the deep recesses of her mind.

Caught by a Wolven one fateful eve, the poor girl was taken away, brought to the town of Nanthalion and forced to stay inside a small container until the mean beast released her. He told her that if she made herself bigger and would help him with a small task, then he would let her go. That did not happen. The moment she shimmered into her larger self, naked and vulnerable, he used her body for his own needs and left her beaten in a heap along the road.

What could she do, where could she go? She heard voices, loud ones and lifting her aching head, those steely gray eyes focused upon a building. The local tavern that she would soon learn was called the Inn also became her temporary home. Changing back into her little self, she waited for someone to open the door and when she was able to, the Pixie flew in, going high and landing upon a rafter. From there she had a birds eye view of the place and saw lots of creatures. She was away from her home and alone. She did not know what else to do and found herself curled up and crying, trying to nurse her wounds and build her strength back up.

Weeks later the Pixie became familiar with the town, procuring a job at the General Store and living high up in the rafters of the Inn, hiding from most until it was time for her to work those long hours at the shop. Often times the girl would get in trouble for leaving her tiny footprints all over the shelves and on some of the larger merchandise. She thought it was funny and wanted to show that some of those employees did not dust like they should be doing! Sadly, her job was not long lasting and she lost it but did have some luck with an Elf who offered her a place to stay! He took care of her for a while, providing food and clothing and the much sought after shelter other than that of the Inn’s rafter. It was going good too until one night he got a little loosey-goosey with the girl and tried to use her! She loved sex, craved it but this one was demented! He was crazed and that was when she had her first *real* bad experience with a Moriel.

Homeless again, broken in spirit for the time being, she sought refuge at the only place she knew, the Inn. There were plenty of things she could use for her bedding, scraps of clothing torn from outfits were always abundant and she utilized every resource she could find. Content for the moment, the Pixie would sulk for a short time and lick her wounds.

Months later…

Breena was out and about; the tiny nature spirit was buzzing about the Bath House, searching for pretty flower petals when he came along, the hulking Barbarian, Andras. For Bree, it was an instant love at first sight and she found herself discarding all of her colorful petals and zipping inside the building after him, narrowly making it as the door brushed a silvery wing! It was from a glorious moment that her future would soon become clear, the moment his beautiful blue orbs focused on her larger form and the Pixie felt her heart racing, soaring high above the clouds, she found her soul mate.

Over time, she would become his little princess, his sweet bride and wore his collar, marking her as his Concubine.