Legends of Belariath


Mairette grew up in an elven city much like many others in the realm. Ral'endas was the perfect place to grow up for most. A shining example of beautiful architecture blended with nature and skill. It held gardens that could make you weep with their beauty that were maintained year round. Though, in the not so distant past they had been destroyed during a series of raids. For those on the outside, it would be impossible to know that such horrors and destruction had plagued the people of the city. Yet, a few unfortunates like Maire had daily reminders. While some preferred the bustling shops and attending events in town, the gardens were what Mairette loved most and where she spent most of her time. Evenings in particular were her favorite time to visit, from dusk till midnight she would sit and watch the night flowers bloom. The gardens were a magical place for her and one of the only places she found any peace as her family life was far from pleasant.

During one of the raids, a lusty moriel attacker raped Mairette's mother, who had been her father's pride and joy. She had been betrothed to the eldest son of one of the more powerful and influential families in town, but upon learning of her attack and subsequent pregnancy, he called an end to their engagement. That he had been unable to protect his daughter from the moriel and she had been cast aside by her husband to be because of it, left Maire's grandfather consumed with guilt and shame. Thus, he treated her half breed daughter with every courtesy, but Mairette could tell that she was a stain on the family in his eyes, often hearing the whispers of the household about it behind her back when they thought that she was not around. She was good at making herself seem invisible and moving about unnoticed as most simply tolerated her.

There was one person who had taken the time to get to know her though and become her dearest friend. Eniyela was a slave girl that had been captured before Maire was born and who had seen something special in the young half-breed. The woman took her under her wing, teaching her to read, write and speak moriel. Maire had proved an adept pupil, learning all that she could from the woman, soaking up whatever knowledge she could get her hands on, along with perfecting her native tongue of high elven in the hopes of broadening her understanding of why her relatives treated her as they did. Sadly, all her studying of both cultures did nothing to ease that pain, leaving her instead to feel even more like an outcast.

As a child, Mairette was very sweet, yet incredibly stubborn child. Later, grew up to be a smart and independent woman, the latter mostly due to the nature of her relationship with her family. She learned all that she could from anyone who was willing to teach her, soaking up every piece of knowledge and every spell that she could, regardless of how trivial it may seem for she knew that all knowledge was worth having. Maire even practiced fighting and taught herself to use a number of different weapons, becoming quite skilled with them through her diligence in keeping up with her training.

She stayed with her family as long as she could, doing her best to please her mother and win her grandfather's approval. Her mother was not distant from her like her grandfather, loving Maire even with her mixed heritage. However, when her mother died not long before Mairette became of age, she knew that it was time for her to leave and find her own way in the world. She thanked her grandfather for caring for her and set out on her own hoping to find a place where her mixed blood wouldn't mark her as an outcast at first sight.

After packing up her few belongings, including a few trinkets that had once been her mother's, she took one last stroll through the gardens that had been her place of solace, leaving Ral'endas without so much as a glance back. She made camp where she could on her travels, wanting to save what little coin she had for food. She did stayed the winter in town, helping the Inn keeper to earn her room and board, but when spring came, she was on the move again. Maire drifted from place to place for several years, until she came to Nanthalion.