Legends of Belariath


The Gift

Far back as time can remember, Men have always envied the affluent, always have wanted what they have. it is no surprise then our story begins with an act of Avarice, though in itself the act was not an act of motivated by greed, or any more base desire; it was an act of desperation of a starving boy..

22 years prior...

Thuul the Thief-master had always kept a watchful eyes on his 'boys'. Most came from orphanages, or work houses and as boys ran away, were killed or were captured by the local guardsmen in the 'performance of their duty' to make Thuul the richest thief ever he would simply replace them as one replaces broken lockpicks. One boy however vexed him horribly: the small slip of a boy names Wade. Wade was always into something, breaking something. Wade had some amazing abailities but he also has something no thief should ever have in Thuuls' opinion: a conscience. it had gotten the boy b usted several times and now, the guards were onto him. Thuul needed one last score, one last dig and he could leave this place and these horrible little urchins and finally move somewhere that his status would be better appreciated. However with the Guards more watchful than ever, that last score slipped from his grasp leaving him marooned in this desert of humanity; But word had it that recently a statue was moved into the local temple under heavy guard and so with that bit of information Thuul had set out for the temple district.

When he arrived he was able to sneak up to the rooftop ( a task left to the urchins, as he called them) but because he was rather round around the middle, it took him several minutes before he could peer through a small window, and gaze below to see the two faced Jade statue with its sapphire and topaz eyes. "Babba Yaouga." he says smiling.. it would be worth a small fortune, he could break it into smaller bits and sell it on the black market. Prioblem was he could barely get his pudgy arm through the bars, let alone the rest of him. but it gave him an idea...


"Let go!" Wade said trying to tug the loaf of bread from the hands of the older, taler boy who had helped distract the shopkeeper while wade filched a loaf a bread.. it had been days since they had eaten, their 'master' told them they could fend for themselves, or perish because he wasn't going to waste his time coddling them.So, a group of the boys hatched a plan to steal bread, and it had work but now the older boys were trying to muscle him into giving up his share.. Wade kick the boy in the groin and when he doubled over in pain, Wade kneed him in the nose as hard as he could before he took off at a sprint.. His advantage was the other boys were bigger and stronger, but Wade was fast, and very agile.. he hopped through open windows they had to climb through without ever touching the sill, it was like Wade had springs in his feet.

Leaping through windows and dodging around things Wade began to out distance them, until he ran face first into his Master, Thuul. the man grabbed him by the neck, siezing the loaf of bread. "I'll take this. Thank you Wade, I truly could use a bite to eat." he took a big bite from it and aas the other boys rushed up, he would stare them down. "What?!?" Thuul would say to the lot, and cowering to his greater size and skill, they said nothing, instead they wandered off.. Wade tried to wander off too but Thuul dug his thumb into Wades trapezius causing him to literally crumble at his feet. :" Stay here boy, I have a job for you. its about time you earned your place, you lazy waif." Thuul said washing down the bread with some wine. "You slothful little rat bastard, you are going to make me rich.. or die trying."

Wade had no idea what he meant, but soon enough, he would. After Thuul gorged himself on Wades bread and some wine, he would roughly escort the 16 year old lad to the temple, and show him what he wanted.." you will climb up, slip through the window and pass me out the statue. then, I'll pull you out." which wasn't thuuls plan at all, he planned to take the statue and leave the boy to suffer the fate most thieves would stealing reliced artifacts: they would tie him to a slave pole, cut off his hands, cut out his tongue, then they would burn him alive. Wade had no idea the fate that awaited him, nor did he know his 'master' would throw him to the wolves without a second thought; after all, the boy was expendable, disposable.

When they returned to the house, Thuul locked the boys in his cellar where they would spend most of their nights when not out stealing.. Wade he chained to a wall, in a cage where the other boys could not reach him, for if they had they surely would have beaten him unconcious or worse over the bread debacle. they were so hungry, so robbed of the vital things that preserve life, they were willing to kill to have it, and anyone who denied them sustenance. None of them, not even Wade at this point, knew it was Thuul who had doen this to them; so great was the fear he instilled, that none of them would think of crossing him. A week would pass, and during this time Wade was pushed to his physical and mental limit as Thuul taught him the basic skills needed to break into the temple and steal the jade statue; the man was ruthless, beating Wade if he failed or failed to comply. He locked the boy up away from the others too, mostly to protect him, this garnered a deep hate from the others.

then the night came: Wade dressed in an all black outfit, and with gear in tow accompanied his 'teacher' to the temple.. climbing up the wall like a spider Wade easily slid through the bars, dropping to the floor below.. he would creep over to the statue in the silent temple, no sound or hint of activity showed but still Wade was fully alert and at the smallest sign of life, he would take tot he shadows. Thuul became inpatient.. "hurry up boy we don't have all night!" he hissed, and finally, Wade heaved the statue off the stand.. touching it, he realized: he had the power now.. Thuul wanted this accursed thing, and was willing to do anything for it.. all these clues he hadn't picked up on before hit him like a ton of bricks now.. he would slide back to the window and Thuul extended his arms through the bars.."gimmegimmegimme" he would say and just before his fingers would brush the cool olivine stone, Wade would pull it back. "No." he says, "If you want this, I want to be made a partner.. YOUR partner, or at least I want a cut of the profit from this." he would loft the statue. "Give it to me you little Rat Bastard! "Thuul growled pushing against the bard to try to reach the statue but Wade just pulled it further from his grip. "Get me out, and make me your partner.." the door behind wade rattled, and they both could hear shouting. Wade would grimace and shake his head.. "Fine, fine." Thuul finally said. but at that point the door burst open, and when it did a startled Wade accidentally let go when he dangled out the bars.. It would strike Thuul right between the eyes, and then hit the ground shattering to dust. Wade pulls hiimself through the bars, and up to the rooftop. hopping from roof to roof he left the scene far behind, leaving the guards to round up Thuul.

His first stop was his old mentors home. there he ate, quickly, then he would rummage and snag a few items of value before disappearing into the night. Today, by his account, was his 17th Birthday, and his gift to himself? Freedom.