Legends of Belariath


Abbi from a small village, a few days ride from Nanthalion. She was daughter to shop owners, her father a Sylvan Elf, mother a Chirot. She always had a love for music. Learning to play the small harp. She would often run off to a quiet and shady glen in the forest, to play and sing. Only for herself to hear rather shy of anyone else hearing her. One day she heard much noise coming from her village, screams and shouts.. she began to run towards the village.. She stopped though within the trees as it became visible. A raid. Violent and bloody. She stood silent scared silver eyes wide as the small army came in and killed and raped, stealing everything they could carry and burning the rest. After watching people she knew all her life die.. she found herself curled up after all had gotten quiet the sun setting, at the base of a tree hidden in the underbrush black wings wrapped about her... She made her way into the village as all was quiet.. the buildings sill smoldered the bodies of friends and family people she'd known her entire life littered the one road of the small community. She'll never know how she did it.. but she gathered each one.. dragging them and doing her best the small chirot gave eeach one a proper burial or which ever was best suited to them that she knew to do. Including her parents. face a stoney mask until she took the time to say good bye.

Picking up her harp, the small woman set off inthe dirrection of Nanthailon. She seemed dumb her footsteps so automatic. She continued to walk many hours till she dropped literally into an exhausted sleep off to the side fo the road.

When she awoke, it was many hours later the sun high and bright in the sky. She looked up a smile on her pretty face. Standing and looking around. She picked up her harp and brushed dust and things from it.. Antother look around and she began to walk away from the village that was once her home. Her memories of teh day and night before. Gone. Or at least all of it was unknown. After a few days of travel, she arrived int he forest just outside of Nanthalon........