Legends of Belariath


The imposing figure of Algar isn't out of the oridnary for a barbarian. He stands at 6' 2" and weighs a little over 250 pounds. His jet black hair falls to just below his shoulders and is held back in a tight queue by a simple leather thong. The absence of his hair draws the eye to his chiseled features. His cheeks are prominent and draw attention to his startling eyes. His eyes are a deep blue and look as if a flame burns deep in their sapphire depths. During his years of forced servitude, he has spent many hours exposed to the elements....as is evident by his darkly bronzed skin. Thanks to his years working at jobs requiring manual labor, his body is well toned.

Algar was born a slave his parents having been taken as slaves in a raid while he was still in his mother's womb. As a boy he was mostly used as a kitchen or house slave being of little use for anything else. As he grew he began being used for more manual labor by the horde that had taken his family being forced to work in mines lifting heavy rock and moving heavy carts which was the cause for his muscular build.

At the age of twenty a man.. older and seeming quite threatening named Jauque Pasture convinced the horde to sell Algar to him to be a gift to a woman named Enchantress. Following the man without question after being bound in a thick chain the wraps around his neck before running down his chest to bind his hands at his waist