Legends of Belariath


HELLO! Ises Alicia, Ises seens youse arounds buts maybes youse hasn't seens mees befores, Ises a little pixies and Ises the slavesees of misteress Alta Nova the sexies torians. Ises works ats the bar in the inns for mister Clowe-kitties. Ises beens in Nathalalions fors abouts 6 montheses ands Ises mades lotses of friends, most of thems has asked abouts wheres Ise came froms. Wells the first things ise remembers was this GYNORMOUS fields. Its was full of other ixies and wilds flowers, Ise flitteds arounds theres for a longs times and thens gots bored and decided to explorses!

Ises wents from townses to townses leavings whens Ise gots in toooo much troubles from my pranksees. Thens I cames toos Nathalions, Ises was here for a whiles and thens Ise mets this Snakeys nameds Kaekos and Ise fells in lurrrrves with hers, buts Ise hasn'ts seen ins a whiles. Ise then mets Alta Novas and becames friends with hers, thens when miss Tempest caughts mes and was goings to sells mes Altas swooped ins and boughts me, nows I lives with hers in her tree houses, Ise thinks I lurrrves her now and she lurrrves miss Morrigan and I likeses miss Morri alots, Ises trys to bes the best slaveses I cans and Ise pretends Ises Alta's sometimes because she's ones of the best persons I knows and Ises wants to be more likes hers.