Legends of Belariath



Amelinda is a high human from a small civilisation that mainly lives on an island down south.

Her parents are dead, her mother died at Amelindas birth, sacrificed just after giving birth.

As all the females of her mothers line, Amelinda was destined to be the chosen one, her fate was to give birth to the next chosen on and then be sacrificed.

Her father, who was the chief, loved Amelinda to much and tried to get her into safety.

However, the caravan He and Amelinda was travelling with, was attacked by Orchs. Amelinda tried to get away but was caught and lost her virginity to one of the raiding orcs. The brutal orch then hit her hard on her head with his club and left her for dead.

When Amelinda woke up, she had no memories at all left from her childhood and when she returned to the buring wagons, she saw a man, almost cut in halves, that looked on her and with his dying breath spoke, Amelindas mothers name, Amalthea… Amelinda then fled and lived on her own in the forest for a few years.

When she first came to the inn, she still thought that her name was Amalthea, and it was only after a while she begun to get fragments of her memories back. She panicked and had a magician to make her barren by destroying all her eggs.

Amelinda was soon after that certain that she could not go on alone and asked Victoria Celas to collar her for protection. And later as it was agreed on onto her collaring she was given as a gift to her beloved Shadow Wolf.

Amelindas uncle, the warlord of her people was searching for her though, and found her… She was lured to follow him back to her people, and was almost sacrificed…She just barely escaped and when her uncle returned to the inn to take her back with force, Shadow Wolf killed her. As her people saw All magic as Taboo, they didn’t knew about Unigo or resurrections and left for their home, after banning her uncle from their society for ever.

Her uncle lives in the forest ever since, as a raving madman, hoping to be able to bring Amelinda back and be restored to be the chieftain… He knows that Amelinda is alive.

Amelinda begun to have more flashbacks and when Marie hari kalari tried to help her to remember, she awoke the Amelinda of the past. A dark Amelinda, highly trained in the arts of combat and very uncaring, a counterpart of everything that Amelinda had developed to be.

As the Dark Amelinda begun to take over more and more, Amelinda behaved very badly, so badly that the slavers Guild had her executed. When Amelinda again was resurrected her world had fallen in on her… She was uncollared, abandoned by her beloved Shadow Wolf.

As she wake up Eucep was there waiting for her and they fell in love. Eucep is everything to Amelinda now

They were both collared by Kerian for a while, until they could buy themselves free. Mel then immediatelly was collared by the love of her life, Eucep.

They are now very happy together, and Amelinda considders herself as the luckiest slave in the whole Belariath.


Mel is a kind and caring human. Since she lost her memories at the attack on the caravan, she has never been able to use weapons, except when the dark Amelinda took over.

The Dark Amelinda, was however destroyed when Amelinda was executed by the SG, and with her Amelindas fighting skills and courage was lost as well.

Mel is easily scared, and afraid of getting hurt. She will however do anything for those she loves, she just can’t kill and fight…but she can use her body to protect them.

Eucep is slowly learning Amelinda some basic hand to hand combat again. But the hardest thing for Mel is to not freeze in fright. Amelinda is troubled by her weakness and really is trying to get better.

She loves Eucep above everything else. She adores the little chirot. And Eucep can do anything to her, without getting her afraid. Mel isn’t into pain and bsd games…it scares her a lot, unless the one that does that to her is her beloved Eucep, or she is already aroused. Then she can agree to anything.

Character Amelinda