Legends of Belariath


History of Caidan {Owned by Gali Shuminta}

The small vixen was born to a Wolven mother. The pregnancy was a long awaited celebration, the first Vulpine child born there in quite some time. The pregnancy was easier than had been expected, the child being quite small, as was the way with vulpine-kind. The entire village would celebrate her birth, naming her Caidan. From the moment she was born she was quite pampered, growing into a strong willed Vixen. Her fur was pure white, marred only by the black fur that would cover both her hands, her feet, the tips of her two lustrous tails, and her ears. Her silken hair was also black, falling in soft waves down her back. Her markings were unique to her small tribe, most of them being wolven, and most gave her special attention for her differences.

On her twentieth birthday a special celebration was held, to welcome the binding of her body, with her true spirit, finally becoming one, her desires binding with her physical body. With that desire, that joining of spirit and mind, would come the need to explore, explore the world, her feelings, the sweet tender kiss, the dark crack of the whip. The need to feel these things would put an inch in her steps, leading her onward, away from her village, away from the quiet life of peace alongside the river.

Oh those itchy feet would lead her own, towards new things, new experiences, new feelings, and yet the old things still held sway in her heart. The river, always sacred, drew her feet along its edges, the rippling surface smoothing her mood even when she felt the dark feelings would overtake her. Always camp would be made within sight of it, the sound lulling her to sleep. The white lady watched over her journey, leading her towards what she needed, and thus, she would find herself on the borders of Nanthalion.

Strangely enough, the first person she met in her journey was another Vulpine. A strange blue creature with four tails. The smaller vixen had never seen such a thing, although she had heard of those who had gained as many as five tails, she had never seen more than three herself. The naïve vixen was easily tricked back to his tower, tied into a contraption, the likes she had never seen before, and fucked quite thoroughly, her naked body used to his content. Thus was she introduced to Nanthalion, and to her new life.

The vixen would find within herself a natural need to submit, keeping it under wraps, although it would show itself in moments of passion, her body seeming to respond to the more.. Dominant.. Ways of the realm.

The vixen managed to keep her secret needs hidden for quite some time, putting up a strong front to those around her until something happened that changed her life. While walking through the city the small vixen was tackled by a tall catman, dragged back to the shop he worked at, and was tortured with pleasure and pain, her small body under his control, her need to stay independent slowly worn away by his masterful will. The next morning she woke up in his bed, a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach whenever she thought of him, the need to.. Please.. Him apparent in her every move. The Gali Shuminta took her under his wing, becoming all things to her, Master, Sensei, Teacher, Lover, and caretaker. She wears his collar around her slim neck, and he wears a piece of her braided into his hair.

Picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v494/Summerschild/Caifoxie.jpg