Legends of Belariath


A wise person was once quoted as saying, “It is a known fact that I was born and that is all that is necessary.” Were she one given to such philosophical musings, Calena would likely agree with this statement.

With a memory that makes no mention of parents, a home, or the basic comforts and securities taken for granted by many children, Calena always had to fend for herself, having little time to wonder why her life was as it was. For that matter, it seldom occurred to her that it should be any other way. Hers was always the harsh reality of life on the streets, a life of fear and uncertainty, of wondering from where, if at all, her next meal would come. She worried about survival at a time when other girls would worry about whether their clothes were pretty enough. This was the way of her world. Knowing nothing else, she never questioned her lot in life.

Feeling devoid of alternatives, Calena turned to thievery, stealing food, money to buy food, and valuables to sell for money to buy food. She never hated her victims or wished them ill, but simply wanted to survive. Indeed, being her only lifeline, she never regarded stealing as a morally questionable or disreputable activity. One simply needed to be careful of the people one stole from.

The only thing she ever lifted that didn't get pawned off for change was a simple steel dagger, taken off the body of an elven thug she saw slaughtered by someone who knew how to defend himself. She couldn't quite bring herself to sell the weapon, as holding it offered up a certain feeling of safety, and of the ability to ward off danger. This feeling, of course, was entirely illusory. Her standard tactic was to flee with catlike agility from the other thieves who targeted her, and when that failed, to simply surrender her belongings to them. Something she could never do was stand and fight, no matter what the dagger made her think. She lacked the courage, the skill, and truthfully, the bloodlust to harm another living thing. Calena is not a violent person.

This life of desperation continued until one day, when Calena was grown and was fleeing a band of would-be rapists, she happened to encounter a cleric by the name of Lily Gracious. This woman took Calena in, and after some discussion, even offered to collar her as a slave, in order to protect the young catgirl from the many dangers to which she had always been subject. Accustomed to a life of acquiescence to the demands of others, Calena rather took well to the concept of slavery, and agreed to Lily's proposal.

It wasn't long before Calena realized that she had made a wise decision. Though she is far more restricted in terms of behavior under Lily's care than she was on the streets, the insecurities of her former life have vanished. All at once she always has enough food to eat, clothes to wear, and a warm bed to sleep in. And above even this, she feels guided and protected in a way she has never known, as though what happens to her finally makes a difference to someone. She perhaps never truly cared for anybody before, but she has come to love her Mistress dearly, and also for a first, to feel that love returned.

One of the many benefits of having a Mistress has been the gift of literacy, as Lily took the time to teach Calena what all those funny, squiggly lines people call “letters” mean. Though still only barely proficient with writing, she is quite proud of her new ability to read, and uses it whenever the opportunity arises.

In addition to the written word, Calena has acquired an interest in healing since meeting her Mistress. Though this began one day when Lily was hurt, and Calena felt the very depths of helplessness as she was unable to help the person who had done so much for her, she now feels a true calling to the profession, perhaps because a life of submission has ingrained into her a certain concern for the well-being of others. Whatever the reason, she wishes to relieve suffering when she sees it, and compassion flares within her even at the sight of a wounded enemy.

Partially motivated by this desire to heal, Calena is also quite fascinated by magic. With her Mistress' permission, she has begun to make what could be called a serious study of the subject, and one day, she hopes to become a mage.

Calena's life has changed dramatically since meeting Lily, and certainly for the better. She looks forward to many happy years with her Mistress, and the zealous pursuit of her own fields of interest.