Legends of Belariath


"Wonderful day isn't it Enres?" A rather mature looking high elf with simple spectacles on the bridge of his nose asked his elder son who stood with him holding a blade. "I suppose it is father... but, Why in the elahil are we out in the forest?!" The elder elf just shrugged with a grin on his face. "Study my dear boy; We don't have much else to do since we finished our chores for the day; why not bond a little." in the distance a faint screaming can be heard and the two elves dash to it's origin. a clearing of flowers; signs of a struggle and scraps of a woman's dress and panties lay scattered about. "I see..." The elder shook his head with a bit of a huff before adjusting his spectacles. "So they go out of their boarders to take slaves now..."The well armored elf looked back at his elder. "Father! Over here, there's a little girl unconscious! she's one of our own!" his father looked at the boy and moved to assist lifting the little girl into his arms he sighed. "We'll take her to the temple out behind our home... She's still breathing ... but I doubt she'll survive.the walk."

For the rest of the day The elder elf of the two looked through his books until he finally found the book she was looking for. . Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at the old man curiously. "Father?" she asked her memory gone she didn't know where she was; didn't know who she was. the elder looked down curiously looking through his book he shrugged slightly. "Why yes, it's nice to see you're alright... But, please call me Maeul, I prefer that to father remember... well anyway... want some food?" The young girl nodded slightly rubbing her head. She smiled gently to Maeul. "After you eat we'll return to your studies then you and your brother Enres will take you out for a little exercise, maybe I'll even teach you how to cook!" He laughed a little mussing her hair bringing her around the house all the while examining her unusual eyes as she again passed out before examining the room in which she woke... a room in his temple to Gaea... he'd move her to the house and forbid her entrance to the temple quickly.

years passed and soon the young woman they cared for grew and developed as she should. "Maeul... I have a question; Why don't I look like you?" He blinked at the sudden question stammering as he tried to come up with a good answer. "Well... uhhh you see you're a woman and I'm a man dear; we're just different.." She huffed lightly spending the day in her room ripping up a shirt and tightly she began to tie her chest tightly down with a smile when she finally finished. she left her room and showed the two stunned elves. they didn't say anything but, it was a bit funny to them they let her stay like that.

36 years passed and her book knowledge grew while her life remained sheltered with the two celibate elves. She was happy with her life studying the days away, cooking at night and exercising in between. "Alright dear; it's your fiftieth; it's time you took a monicker for yourself; you've had decades to decide now come on what is it?!" He said with an excited expression on his face. she held her hand on her chin and nodded to herself. "I can't decide between Calurea or Draike..." She said looking to the two of them with a sigh Enres looked at the girl and shrugged. "How about you combine the first four letters of each?" She took a second before mouthing it to herself. she nodded. "Caludrai; I like it! Heh thanks bro..." She glanced to Maeul with a smug grin. "So you going to tell me why you wear those yet?" "When you're older Calu, when you're older."

time continued to pass and slowly Maeul began to change; he looked unhappy bored almost Meanwhile Calu kept trimming her hair keeping it short in back the bangs hanging town as twin tendrils on the sides. "Maeul dinner's ready!" She walked in carrying the plates with a surprised look on her face; he lay on the floor She and enres took him to his study.where he lay weak dying. "What happened?!" She panicked checking him as best she could knowing little about anatomy. "I suppose I got bitten by a bit of a bug" he lied; having taken a powerful poison; she wouldn't make sense of it until much later however... "I think I'm going to be leaving this world... Calu... I have your answer finally... why I wear these spectacles... they make me look smart..." He let out a half hearted chuckle patting her lightly on the head before taking them off and placing them on her nose. "They do you more than me though... Your real parents... I never found them... your mother was taken to be a slave... I couldn't find your father." he then closed his eyes and they would not again open. He was buried behind his home and the two grieved for him for a year; before they finally decided to leave their father's home. She decided to leave using her gift of magic; the gift Maeul had given her to travel to learn more of the world; she was far from ready; until she finally arrived at the lonely inn...