Legends of Belariath


You spy before you a striking figure: a 6' tall woman of Amazonian proportions. Well muscled yet very definitely female, her ebon skin contrasts sharply with her long braided stark white hair and violet eyes that tend to flash with an inner light. She has firm, high breasts of good size, a graceful neck, oval face with a slightly hooked nose, slender waist leading to a well muscled bottom and dancer's legs. Favoring long, flowing yet revealing clothing, Desdaemona usually wears long skirts slit up to her belt on one side, and sleeveless vests that fasten with a huge sapphire clasp.

She appeared one day out of nowhere, wearing only a dusty travel cloak of excellent manufacture, if perhaps one that had seen better times. Demanding to speak to the owner, she apparently interested the staff of the Inn present at that time enough to pass her request on, and StormBringer agreed to meet with her. They were closeted for quite a while, but afterwards Desdaemona emerged and rather imperiously informed the staff present that she was now the Inn's bookkeeper and slavekeeper, controller of the purse and the very bodies of the Inn slaves. Since that time she has kept an iron rule over the Inn, and only occasionally has had to show her mastery.

Being both quick to anger and quick to find humor in most things, she is a very mercurial presence, and although usually she is busy in the back rooms of the Inn, you may be graced (or perhaps cursed) with her interest on occasion.