Legends of Belariath


Dhegan was born to a group of people known as the "Horse Tribe's" who were nomadic in nature, far to the east and north of Nanthalion, the only son of the woman who was the healer, mystic and master of the rites of being. He learned at an early age that words held power, and he made every effort to learn as much about language and people as he could manage. Growing up the chieftain's second served as a male influence to him, teaching him the ways of the woods and of animals, but his mother's teachings tempered his heart and spirit. As he reached maturity he underwent the ritual of the fire dance to attain his manhood, which while painful, he survived intact with his mother's help. After the ceremony where he achieved his place as a man in the tribe, he also had to prove himself as a hunter and warrior, which he did. The results of this were the earning of the spiritual images that would adorn his body as they applied the sacred pigments he would wear the rest of his life and in the metal rods he bore under the skin of his forearms.

His life with his people was reasonably quiet, aside from the occasional dispute with another clan, which was his only exposure to slavery, as his people sometimes took prisoners to serve them or be raised as thier own. When he turned 17 a marriage was arranged with the daughter of a ranking member of another tribe, this allowed the two tribes to join and become stronger. The marriage took place a year later, and two nights before they we're wed, both he and his betrothed we're adorned with the steel and silver that had were to be thier gifts, and provide each with enhanced pleasure through the rites of marriage. He became his clans emmisary to other clans and to others in the area, he was also one of his clans more skilled hunters. Life was good for him for many years, and all that he had expected was coming to pass. Until one day, while out on foot in the deeper areas of the forest several days journey away from his clan, his clan was set upon by an unknown enemy who slaughtered the entire clan and took many of thier prized horses that survived the slaughter. They had killed many of thier attackers, but were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When he returned all he found was ash, bone and death, he mourned for several days, eating little....wishing he had died with them. Then he saw an omen, a bird uncommon to the area flying west, he decided then that is where he should travel. After many weeks of travel on foot he encountered Nanthalion and a few more days journey brought him to the inn. He hasn't decided if this is where he is meant to be yet, but he also hasn't dismissed the idea.