Legends of Belariath


Dia loooooooooves you! I knows 'cause it's me! You can call me Dia, or Dia Lirana, or Dialiranalaniastopheles, of Heyyoubuggirl, or...


Heys, I'm Dia!

I lives in a biiiiiig glass house! I've got lots of neat stuff, Tempest got me lots of clothes, and my house is in hers 'cause she gave me it, 'cause I losts a bet, but I don't know how longs it was, so it wasn't my fault! But it's all sparkly, and I've gots a place to put this big wooden ant I gots from Mara, she's my pet human, she's silly and keeps trying to runs but I gots her wooden ant sos she's gotta stay with me!

I loves Naelyell, 'cause she's awesome even if she's a pixie! Pixies are dumb, but I don't care cause it's Naelyell, and I loves her! 'Sides, it's mostly pixies don't likes the fae, but that's just dumb 'cause fae're the best!