Legends of Belariath


Elu grew up deep within the forest, a small village inhabited by both high human and Elf. Life itself was mostly fun and games for her, her interests laying in herbology mostly. She soon was taken under the wing of the local healers, being taught the plants that heal and plants that kill. Easily picking up on them, she started her own record keeping book, trying to find as many of them as she could, only to loose it one night as she was running from a very angry parent.

She often likes to sleep outside, nature being her comfort most of the time. Knowing she should have been more of a druid she weighs the use and finds it better that she became a healer instead, knowing deep down that that is what would have been most useful.

She enjoyed traveling and being in the sun much more than the rest of her family. She enjoyed farming as well as gathering berries and herbs from the wilderness, often taking long trips to do so.

Growing up was a simple task, each day the same thing, a routine she'd found to be peaceful, even the random events were not so. She was branded the trouble maker, the clown as she would often run, jump and play within and without the confines of the small village. She'd grown inquisitive the older she became.

The ways of the healer called to her, she was torn between that and being a druid, having a respect for all aspects of nature. In the end the lack of healers is what pulled her toward it, at least.. lack in her village. She had soon enough found herself good in potions as well. One day she set off, needing herbs for a potion she had been working on.

In a strange twist of fate, while on her way to look for those herbs she stumbled into Nanth and was taken prisoner by some Slavers. She went willingly with them, seeing others in need, dooming herself to a life of slavery. She happily took that on in order to treat some of the more serious wounds, even with her limited knowledge in doing so.