Legends of Belariath


Grombler sat on a large tree stump as he looked into the forest thinking about the way things were before he ended up at the inn. The troll looked down slowly and sighed as the memories all started to rush in.

“How come you can’t kill her son! What sort of a warrior are you if you can’t even kill a weak elf whore like this?!” A voice boomed inside of Grombler’s head.

“Because I’ll have no part in this senseless act- she has done nothing to the

trolls, why take out your frustrations on her?” Grombler stood there staring down at his father. His brothers were all circling around him as he spoke.

The elven girl sat there crying her eyes out frightened at what would be come of her. She couldn’t even understand what these brutes were saying, but she knew they were talking about her. They must have been speaking troll, but the girl spoke in hopes that they could understand common.

"Please, don’t kill me- I- I- I’ll do anything for you. All of you.” She said with tears streaming down her face.

One of Grombler’s four brothers walked over to the girl and reached down to grab her by the throat and this is when the unthinkable would happen. Grombler reached over with a mighty roar and grabbed his brother’s arm snapping it back most certainly breaking bones. His brother fell to the ground and then the other three brothers and Grombler’s father advanced toward the mighty Rock troll.

“Why did you do that to your brother? You worthless coward! We’ll kill you now and grind your bones in sacrifice to the lord of stone!” Said Grishmutt, Grombler’s Father.

“I’d like to see you try it old man! I’ll take on you and anyone else that is stupid enough to stand in my way! I’m taking the girl and that’s final!” Grombler roared with defiance.

The four other trolls charged Grombler the three brothers held him down and the father ran at his son and started beating on him with his bare hands. Grombler took much punishment, but then something deep within him snapped. Grombler got all red and it was like a surge of strength hit him. He fought hard against his brothers but to no avail he could not break free. Three trolls holding down one no matter how large Grombler may be was no match. He was beaten within every inch of his life. He started to regenerate slowly, but the elven girl reached out her hand and placed it on Grombler healing him. He then layed there still pretending to be hurt. And as soon as his father got close enough Grombler jumped up and grabbed his father by the neck. His brothers were so astonished by Grombler healing so quickly they could not even act. Grombler started to pulse again with anger as he choked his father’s life away.

“I SAID SHE IS COMIN WITH ME!” Grombler screamed as he made one last squeeze and then his father’s body went limp in his hands. Grombler let him fall to the ground and then stood above him staring at him.

The three brothers stood up and blinked. “We’ll kill you traitor!” They ran to get weapons and Grombler bent down picking up the elven woman and ran off into the woods.

Suddenly Grombler came out of his trance and looked around it was like he didn’t know where he was. But then he sighed as he realized he was upon that log that was deep in the forest near his new home. Hopefully he could forget the horrible journey he had to get here, but it is uncertain he never speaks of his past and for good reason.