Legends of Belariath


Hasgroth is a massive HobGoblin (high human goblin mix) of solid muscle. Heavily tattooed and branded military style from wars fought and imprisonment served adorn bronze skin. He is of normal HobGoblin stature and build, stands 6'-11'- 390#, well built, muscular and proud in posture. His few possessions he wears. The traditional black leather pants, thigh high boots, olive drab blanket worn as a hooded cape, and bright colored ribbons of conquests won once tied to his upper arm are gone. Instead he simply wears the old ragged blanket as a wrapped about him robe, on his waist a pouch, in his hand a string of worn beads a stick in the other for his long travels.

Like all HobGoblins he keeps himself meticulously clean and in good health. He strongly believes in following the orders of his superiors in the tradition of HobGoblin Hierarchy. He will often be found praying or chanting his mantras as he counts through his string of beads. As with all HobGoblins he detests fear and cowardice yet now instead of attacking it to cleanse the weakness he seeks to show mercy instead.

He struggles to bury his taught prejudice against lesser Goblins and all Elves especially Drow. Like all HobGoblins their society more ancient and developed then humans, he is very intelligent, yet his race has long followed the path of the warrior, his quest opposite of the ways he has always known now following a path of prayer and enlightenment instead of conquest. Oddly, the weapons and armor of his kind are missing. In their place the trappings of a healer and religious pilgrim, days and ways of the past and battles fought attempting to be forgotten, warrior turned cleric, almost to monk.

Once a highly decorated Captain in the Second Continental Legion, Hasgroth one day found himself tested. His commander refusing to let him join in the battle at hand wanting Hasgroth to rest up, insisted that he relax. “Either whoring or hunting” commander ordered, so with that though a growl on his lips he set off into the hills to hunt deer. As he sat, having done this many times he finally found his quarry approaching, a large buck. As it neared he rose intent on killing it with a single blow from his sword, yet this Buck unlike all others did not run. Instead it lowered its crown of antlers to fight, this throwing Hasgroth off guard.

His blood hot for the kill and the fight Hasgroth threw his sword to the side thinking it might then attack it being so bold. Yet it only stood. Hasgroth lunged and fainted from side to side yet the beast never flinched even though Hasgroth dwarfed it. Eventually it turned to the side and raised its antlers looking away as though taunting Hasgroth to attack. Yet Hasgroth just stood stunned. Eventually it simply walked off, and Hasgroth realized that their was possibly a greater strength then force, and leaving his weapons behind set out to find the superior god of peace that the deer must pray too. A pilgrimage and quest for knowledge had begun.

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