Legends of Belariath

Jade Butterfly

All Fae, are born with the knowledge to survive, everything that our Mother's and their Mother's before them, knew.. we also knew. It was inprinted upon us, at birth. We are never children, grown adults almost from the time we left our Mother's womb. We live in the most enchanted of places, where you will never see the same thing twice. Where Magic, is in abundance, and literally flows through our viens.. It is in the air and in everything that we do. From this magic, we are born. The Great Goddess

Gaea, we are her keepers.. Keeping watch over her sacred places. I am only one, of perhaps a thousand. This is my story...

It was during the spring festival, that I was born. It is tradition, that my mother would take one of her many offspring, and raise her. I was the chosen one. For you to understand, perhaps I need to explain further about our birth rituals. During the end time of Spring, a Fae is fertile for a short while. This time is called the Spring Festival. A Fae can become pregnant, and give birth to as many as 20, during this time. From the time of conception to the time of birth, would only be the span of perhaps a half of an hour, by human terms. With so many offspring, the Fae is only given one of those to raise as her own, giving that one the birthright of her Mother and her Mothers before her. Only they would be chosen, to further continue their individual line in the coming festivals. I am not sure, why I was chosen, but I was. I was given the name Jade, because of the pale greenish blonde hair, that sprouted in masses from my head. My other given name, was to the animal that my wings so resembled; The butterfly.

As the Moon's cycles came and went, it would soon be time for me to lay claim to my own private space outside the saftey of the Faery Realm. This private space, I would choose in the form of a stream. Water, was at my very core, I was a Corlet Fae afterall. During this time, my days were passed by playing and singing in my stream. I had watched other races, from the saftey of the trees, whenever they were near, but never had direct contact with them. It was fun, to steal their clothes when they would bathe in my stream.. I was what one would call a troublemaking little spirit, finding amusement in causing fun havok. During this time, the Fae, were merely legends upon the races. We were the ones that got blamed for just about anything bad that could happen. We were also used to scare the children of those races.. 'If you dont be good, the Fae will carry you off at night, into their land and you will never find your way back!' How funny, it was to hear the parent say this to their children, of which never beleived it.. Of course, it would be nearly impossible for myself to even dream about doing something as this, or any Fae for this matter. We are not cruel creatures, full of mischief.. yes.. But to harm? Never! In fact, I dearly loved children, often leaving them gifts in the way of candies.

We Fae, are creatures of Love, however, we knew not what the word 'love' meant.. Now back to me and my stream.. As I said, I have many wonderful memories of my time there. But nothing, that anyone would want to hear about.. Perhaps, it is time now to skip on a bit in my tale.

The Plague, was causing mass destruction, having brought about a drought. It was during this time, that my beloved stream dried up. Not even my tears, could fill it. The fish, having no water, died.. as the animals, could not sustain without either, I was forced to move when they did. I could enter the Faery realm, whenever I choosed, for it was our haven. But our sense of Duty to Gaea, overcame any want of staying there permanantly. With the herding of the animals, I knew that eventually I would find another stream. But as the plague moved, and claimed more of Gaea's precious land, it became harder for me to find a suitable place. This drove me more into the populated areas, of which had been once strange and perhaps facinating but all together dangerous. I had been told the stories of my kind, being inslaved and used for the purpose of pleasure, but myself I had never truely beleived them. I was soon to learn firsthand, exactly what it was about. I am not entirely sure, my reasons for even stepping foot inside those buildings, where many of the races interacted with each other. But I did, I found everything curious and interesting. The people there called this place The Lonely Inn, and the land around it, Belariath.

It was here, that I was first taken, and inslaved by a cruel creature called a Chirot. I knew not its name, only its face.. And, with that face, I finally knew what terror really was. I wish not to dwell upon this dark time of my exsistance, only to let one know that it was thankfully not to last. I beleive that Gaea, had other plans for me. The Chirot was soon killed, by a human Man. A Man of magical power, and in turn, I came into his service. I was given the choice, to be freed or become his. I chose the latter. One might wonder, why I would choose slavery over freedom, when I had been through all that I had been. But I am not stupid, by any means. I knew that if I chosed to remain in this place called Belariath, then I would not be able to do it on my own. In my new Master, I sensed a gentleness, and knew that he would never hurt me. Nor, would he keep me from my duty to Gaea, like the Chirot had done. But with this, I knew that I would have to obey him, and let him take over my life. His name is Zarias, he is My Master. I found my stream, soon after, not far from where he lives, in the Forest near Unigo. I have come to love this Man dearly, and I know now that I will never leave him, for I am his. And it is of my own free will, that I stay. My sense of duty to my Master, is as strong as my sense of duty to Gaea. I do, at times return to the Faery realm, and tell the others what goes on in the outside world, and bring my knowledge of it inside. But my home now, is truely with My Master. I know that a time will come, when he will no longer exsist on this plane, or perhaps that I may not. But until that time comes, I shall take care of him, as he takes care of me. He not only owns my body, but my heart and my soul.