Legends of Belariath

Jeffrin Kalus

When one is young, memory is a blur, as one ages the mind becomes more refined, Jeffrin remembers little of his childhood, his parents a mystery he cares not to persue, his earliest memories were of a monestary, when one is young such as a child a enviroment such as that is a peaceful existance.

Jeffrin spent most of his time in the gardens singing and playing various instruments,eventually he found himself drawn to the flute as it was portable, some of the monks seemed to have some talent among themselves as well and they would play with him teaching him new melodies and lyrics to long forgotten music.. he found that some styles of music seemed unhuman, as he grew older he found he was correct he could easily tell the difference in musical compostions from different races.

The monestary was located near a port city, due to its proximity to the floating 'island' of the Morpheous, recieved some visitors over the years, a few times jeffrin ran into one of the magi, the awe and presence they carried peaked jeffrin's interest eventually he began to study magic when he found the chance, the peaceful coexistance within a monestary could not make up for the wonderous races like the magi, eventually driven by some form of wanderlust, jeffrin struck out in the middle of the night, flute in hand.

From city to town to village and back he roamed around exploring different aspectsof society, he found alcohol quite interesting, he found it more useful to drink lightly while his companions at the time he would coax more drinks into, this being the fact that the raven haired man found it was easy to convince attractive men and women into doing things they wouldnt under normal conditions, a few times he got run from towns barraged by fruit if he was lucky.. arrows sometimes if he wasnt.

By the time Jeffrin arrived in nathalion, the lowly wooden flute was traded long ago, he now had a tunic and dagger to his name, he was starved and he was quite desperate to get laid, locals within the quaint town directed him west towards 'The lonely Inn' and with a smirk on his face he headed down the road to bag his first victim.