Legends of Belariath



Katarein stands seven feet tall, with long flowing dark red hair down to her waist, having golden eyes and semi pointed ears as if she is part elf. But she also has a long tail that resembles a lions tail. She is dressed in a spider silk top stretched over her ample breasts and a bikini type lower half of the same material. She also wears thick leather boots and most often carries a broad jewelled sword strapped to her back.


A lot of Katarein’s history is unknown to the world of Belariath, mainly because this isn’t the world she first came from. When she came to this world a few thousand years ago in one of her many travels, she brought with her something strange and unknown that this world had never seen before… “magic”. The longer she stayed within this world, the more the inhabitants discovered that they could start to shape and force the energy around them. Some had a natural talent for it. Others had to work harder to even make a slight spark.. but still being able to.

This “magic” that follows her around engifts worlds with the ability to learn and use magic, something which she knows but doesn’t bother to stop. During her many years of being around, she likes to see mortals attempting doing the magics in such a raw form; wagging their mouths along with their fingers to create the energies.

She is for all intents and purposes the goddess of magic.. where she goes the magic follows. She allows the mortals of each ream she visits to keep their magic. The more mortals use the magic, the stronger she becomes from their abuse and misuse of the magic when they know not what they attempt to control. Along her journeys within this world she at one point decided she wanted to rule everything in this land and created a tower called Unigo from where she could control mighty armies she created or brought in from different worlds.

She was succeeding in her conquest of the world of Belariath when suddenly her armies disappeared while marching onto another city. No mortal knows what truly happened or why she stopped. But since then the great war tower of Unigo has been converted into a school of magic where people go to attempt to learn better control over their magic, despite still learning to do it the wrong way, by moving their fingers and lips.

About the time of her many plunders of cities and towns is when she acquired a admirer; a little thief that seemed to make it her life dream to suddenly want to be owned by her. Sabina found her way to Unigo and thought she snuck in, while not knowing the entire time Katarein was watching with growing amusment at this soon to be slave… <as per sabina’s first story>

As they say the rest is history… to this day no one knows why she hasn’t ever bothered to contine to take over the land and just continues to teach and play with her slave while at that one little inn in the middle of the forest… The Lonely Inn.