Legends of Belariath


Born into a High Noble House within the Dark City of the Drow. And upon her physical inspection by those officials, with no few finding her "ssin'urn" (beautiful.) With the Onyx dark hair, golden cast to her skin and Aqua Marine eyes not seen in their race in these times, but also they, seeing a way to unseat this noble house for self gain, the thought always there…

(L'elamshin d'lil Ilythiiri zhah ulu har'luth jal) "The destiny of the Drow is to conquer all"… even each other)

Caused to be proclaimed that:

"This child bearing a true sign of LLOTH's acceptance of "Her" as a sacrifice. And LLoths's decree that this child's House of origin and all persons related by blood or bond should now be written out of the records of the C'RINTRI (noble) Houses. To become one of the el'lar (non noble) houses.

Until such time as LLOTH deems her rightful and unquestionable testing of this Sacrifice’s once ILHARESS (Matron) Mother as over:

Her Mother having a different thought on the proclamation and it’s purpose, stole the babe from the temple, and placed her within the protection of an Old Magnus Wizard, then drank a poisonous draught to commit suicide in order to keep her daughters Guardian and sanctuary a secret.

All this was 85 winters ago, grown into a tall beautiful woman loved and cared for by the old Wizard who, seeing her curiosity grow about the outside world, bade her venture forth to seek out answers to the world's mysteries, and to strengthen her mage gifts

"Seek out the Tower Unigo my precious Ki`s`. ‘Tis there thee will find answers to all thy questions and more."

Giving her some scrolls, Coins, a pack full of useful items, a map. He supplied her with food and advice along with a tome, now brittle with age and written in "Drow" a language, she had not yet learned fully. A medallion secured on a chain that he placed about her neck, It reads {Ky'Alur Ultrin} on the one side, on the other is an image of Lloth.

"keep this hidden from view Ki`s` under thy tunics cloth. This and the tome is all that I can truly give thee of they heritage…" (he sighed so sadly it nearly broke her heart) "Thee will find some out there who will Help thee in times of need, and others still that will seek to harm thee… I am old and can no longer serve as protector."( he held her tightly against his reed thin body for the moment his tremors halted as she returned his embrace feeling her eyes sting with tears)

In the weeks of travel she attempted to hone her understanding of the language, and truly it was not until after her arrival she learned that she was not "High Elven" but an "Elven Drow".

She traveled on her horse "Blaze" though many weeks and adventures it took her to finally arrive. She found the "Tower Unigo" finally with the help of Tophet.

5'9". Waist length thickly silken onyx tresses, curling softly. Pale aqua marine mist colored eyes. Light sun kissed golden hue to all of her soft warm flesh. Long of leg with generous curve to hips and breast. Sensual rose colored lips part in innocent smiled invitation. Vibration of mystery is present in this graceful gentle being.