Legends of Belariath


Land on all fours

Part 1 - Red Star

Gralharm Rimshard laughed merrily, the big, barrel-chested red-haired barbarian looking like a giant dwarf as he stood above their fallen enemies, looking out over the battle field. His crimson eyes sparkled as his free hand stroked his bloody beard... not his blood, mind you... well, some of it was, but Gralharm felt no pain from the cuts and bruises on his body as his laughter became a chuckle. "Bloody weak felines." Gralharm looked down to his warriors, men and women alike, barbarians on a raid. He nodded, and wiped the blade of his axe on the hill of fallen feline kind that he stood on, mostly males, notably. All the barbarians were in a good mood, many wounded and bleeding, but they had proved too tough for felines' quick agile strikes, and after the inital attack of the raid, the felines' had really been too weak to even defend themselves against the second surge of barbarian raiders. "Find the village, tonight we feast!" Gralharm raised his almost clean, shining blood-red axe into the air, and his people cheered as they set off for the village of the felinekin.

It didn't take them long to find the women and children huddled in a small nearby forest, scared and waiting for the males to return. Gralharm and his raiders stormed into the forest, expecting traps and a second, more threatening attack, but the women and children hadn't prepared themselves... they were a lost village, not used to wars, just hunting and the occasional brawl were the usual forms of violence here... Gralharm was disgusted, and he had his raiders burn the wood, smoking out the hiding felines. "Kill all the pussies." he chuckled at his own joke as he gave the order. Some of the raiders looked nervous as the first few feline women fled the thick smoke... but the barbarians had the small forest ringed, there was no escape... Gralharm saw the hungry looks in the eyes of his people, the felines having unmarred skin, and being very fair and beautiful, having not had a rough time for ages, and his orders changed. "Slaves." Catwomen were grabbed up, and children were too. The raiders weren't heartless, after all. They wouldn't kill the children, they made perfectly fine slaves, and if taught the right way, could even become something in the barbarian clan.

Gralharm stood behind the lines to watch, chuckling, as his people swept up felines and children alike, a great caravan pulled up to issue out slave collars. At a price, of course. Suddenly, from the trees sprung a huntress, holding a long mithril spear. Her eyes were ruby red, her feline ears and tail blood red, and she had an aura of power about her that caused the nearer barbarians to step back, even as she hurled her spear with deadly accuracy for Gralharm's chest. The axe came up, to knock the spear aside, but the turned spear slashed into his arm instead, giving Gralharm a serious wound to tend to as his right arm fell helplessly at his side, and his axe fell to the ground. Seeing their leader wounded, the barbarians rushed forward, fighting the savage feline huntress that had harmed their leader and somehow held them at bay with a drawn longsword, hissing and turning, dancing with them. Gralharm looked down at his wound, then at the dancing catwoman, and started forward, the ground shaking slightly as he walked, a trail of blood and barbarian shamans following him as he knocked barbarians out of the way "Move!" the catwoman blinked, surprised as her foes were cleared from her path. Gralharm walked up to her, holding his weak right arm, and the longsword swung, humming through the air, for Gral's neck... and the tricky barbarian ducked under the blade, before his 'weak' right arm came around in a weak swing. Weak for him. The catwoman was almost knocked clear into the trees as she took the blow to the chest, stunned and unexpecting the move, and tired, she curled on the ground into a fetal position as she passed out.

"That one is mine." Gralharm glared at the other barbarians, then walked over, and slung her own his left shoulder, grimacing against the pain that flared in his right arm as the clerics ran up to tend to him.

Part 2 - Stardust and Glitter

Gralharm sat in the large tent of his camp, chuckling to himself as he looked down at the nude, collared catwoman before him, who so far had refused to look at him. It had been a weak since the battle, and she was bruised, tired, and battered, covered in bruises from where Gralharm had to 'tame' her. Her golden collar was covered in dirt, oil, and seed from where he had used her before, as was the rest of her, not because he wouldn't clean her, but because she refused to seem like she cared to live and go bathe like he told her too. Besides, maybe he'd let her go, eventually. Gralharm wouldn't have it. Still chuckling, he reached forward, hooking her with one large finger by the collar and yanking her toward him. "You're going to bathe, right now, Stardust." Gralharm growled into her face, shaking her a bit. The woozy catwoman blinked, trying to get her bearings and give Gralharm a reply... that being the spit that suddenly landed in his eye. Gralharm winced, one eye snapped shut, and he picked her up by the collar, storming out of the tent. She gasped, wriggling in his grasp and clawing at him, and trying to free herself as Gralharm stormed past several small fires and stunned barbarians of the clan, heading to a small lake nearby, where he promptly flung the catwoman, who flailed in the water, gasping and helpless, having no idea how to swim.

"I knew y'wanted to live." Gralharm grinned, and stepped into the waters, wearing only his loincloth, as he often did. He pulled Stardust into the shallower water, and sat down, sitting her in his lap, where she sat and stared down at her own ample chest, hating herself for the large blush spreading across her cheek as he scratched her chin. She crossed her arms, biting her lip and closing her eyes, trying to withdraw before the pain began, but what did happen shocked her. The barbarian produced a towel... apparently hidden in that loincloth, or maybe it WAS the loincloth... and began to gingerly rub the dirt from her face, taking his time as he caressed her face. She shivered, even gasped softly as the towel ran over her erect nipples, both exciting her and frightening her.

"...What are you doing...?" she looked up at him, confused.

"I'm taking care of you." Gralharm grumbled. His own blue eyes looked his slave up and down, and then he grinned. "Ye've got spirit, girl." Stardust looked back down to the water, silent, determined her defenses weren't going to be crushed by his soft caress and tender massaging. She was right. Her defenses were crushed by the kiss he pulled her into. As he kissed her, puling her to him even as the towel massaged and worked grime off of the small of her back, she melted, closing her eyes, finding herself giving into the tender kindness she hadn't had for years, never having even had a mate herself. She was confused as she kissed him back, even tilted her head and invited his tongue to dance with her own as she shuffled closer in his lap, her hands resting on those broad shoulders of his as she kissed him. Her tail curled tight around his leg, and the large cat ears began to lower as she realized that as mean and rude as the big bastard was, he cared for her. Because if he didn't, she'd be dead for fighting back. The kiss was broken as she purred softly, and closed her eyes, looking down to his chest as the towel moved to caress her firm ass.

"...thank you..." she murmured softly, and looked up at the smiling barbarian, who promptly scooped her up to take back to his tent, planning to feed her a nice dish of... cream.

Part 3 - Birth of a star

"I'ma name me boy Krynstar." Gralharm chuckled, speaking to the shaman who nodded his head in approval. "After the red star, aye." the other men standing outside the tent all nodded as well, before a loud scream tore the air. "Eh..." Gralharm rubbed the back of his neck as he somewhat anxiously hoped nothing would go wrong.

Inside, Stardust lay on some wet furs, panting and gasping as she heaved, hissing at the cleric and midwife trying to aid her in birthing the child. The child was too large, too big for the small catwoman, and she was struggling, bathed in sweat and the water of the cleric trying to keep her cool as he dabbed at her forehead with a wet cloth. "Push! Get me some oil!" the midwife yelled, and she reached for a nearby blade, gritting her teeth... she'd only free the child by surgery if she had to, and she saw Stardust pale somewhat.

Gralharm turned to face the cleric that had tapped him on the back, grinning somewhat. "Well, where's m'boy?" The cleric looked back at the tent, then to Gralharm, and his face was grave. Gralharm frowned, looking puzzled. "...Where's m'boy?" he asked again.

"It's a girl... and Stardust might not make it..." the cleric looked away, both out of respect and fear of being backhanded for his grim news. Instead, he was shoved out of the way as Gralharm, pale, rushed into the tent. He walked in to find Stardust shivering, passed out, and being stitched up by a grim-faced midwife, another catwoman slave. Another cleric held the red haired babe in her arms, the baby not crying, ruby eyes glaring up at the feline that held her even as both small blood-red cat ears lowered against her skull. The cleric looked up to Gralharm, scowling.

"She's a biter." Gralharm looked back and forth, not sure whether to be happy or miserable as he worried over his wife... and he had so wanted a male, someone to take over... He stepped back, then turned, leaving the tent, passing his kin as he head to his own, where he laid down, and fought a long and hard battle to sleep.

"She'll live..." he muttered to the ceiling of the tent. Stardust was strong, she had a strong spirit. She had to live. He cursed himself for getting her pregnant, and cursed the child too for ruining his woman.

Part 4 - Sunrise

Gralharm stood there, in the snow, looking down at the runt half-breed as he yelled "Get back up!" Krynsta trembled, forcing herself to her feet, the shaman nearby nodding. The shaman insisted the girl was a curse, nothing but trouble, but Gralharm was determined to make her into a warrior. Everyday they came out, rain, snow, war even, and they trained. That is, Gralharm beat Krynsta, day after day, as she was ordered to grapple with him, the shaman standing aside and healing any injuries the catgirl sustained. And it was always the catgirl. She'd never made any progress, and those ruby eyes were glazed over as she took a few deep breaths, panting, then glaring at her father. "Come on then, don't make me come get ye." Krynsta didn't want another spanking, and Gralharm certainly wasn't the type to hold off giving one.

Krynsta's gaze, for a moment, shifted, to glare at her weak mother, who stood next to the shaman, trembling slightly in the cold. Her mother shrugged, she couldn't do anything beyond simple chores, even long walks left her tired and feeling sick. Krynsta looked away, back to her father, finding that despite the beatings and assaults, she hated her mother more than her father. She refused to talk to Stardust, and only came near when her father forced her too. Her mother disgusted her, and she did nothing to hide it when scowls came to her face... that is, until Gralharm began to take note. It had been seventeen years of nothing but pain, but Krynsta was determined that when the ceremony for the chief's daughter's eighteenth birthday was held, she would disappear, along with whatever weapon or the like they gave her, to make her own way about the world.

Gralharm was both disappointed and impressed with his daughter, though it never showed. She always got back up, and though sometimes her attempts were half-hearted, she always came back at him. She didn't think she was making progress, but Gralharm knew better, particularly since he was finding small bruises in odd places lately. Still, a part of him blamed Krynsta for what had happened to Stardust, and for not being named Krynstar instead, and there was no time for softness in the training of a warrior. Krynsta rushed at him, naked in the cold, moving to try to swep his legs out from under him, and both of them earned a wince as she connected. Gralharm didn't fall or even stumble, but the girl kicked hard, and they both were going to bruise for that one... he reached down, grabbing her around the waist as she wriggled. "Stupid! You've tried that before!" he flung her, the catgirl twisting in the air to land on her belly a good distance away, crying out in pain. That's one thing Krynsta hadn't inherited from her mother. Gralharm had yet to see her land on all fours.

"Get up!" the shaman chanted, as Krynsta's mother looked away from the blazing ruby eyes that looked up to her from the snow, and sighed. Krynsta slowly rose back to her feet, gritted her teeth, and went into a fighting stance, before once more hurling herself at her father, determined that one day she would prove to him he was wrong. She wasn't stupid and weak, and she would show him... but deep down inside, Krynsta wondered if she would ever win.

Part 5 - Falling Star

Krynsta sat there, blushing, exhausted and feeling rather full as she looked at the gathered barbarians around her and the dancing flames, reflected on her own sweaty skin, and she couldn't help but be touched that they were so kind to her, despite all of her flaws. Her father sat next to her, and he actually looked proud for once, as the people looked upon his daughter, who was dressed in a black nightgown carefully designed with cloth wings, leaving her feeling silly and embarassed. She had danced, she had sang, she had even fought with some of her fellow barbarians, and it had been a fun night. She was happy with her eighteenth birthday. She hadn't even seen her mother all day. "It time." Gralharm spoke, his voice bellowing out over the voices of the other barbarians. A hush fell over the gathering as they listened.

"It is time for the hunt. For Krynsta to prove that she has grown." Her father nodded, and the barbarians all looked to Krynsta, who blushed. A hammer was handed to her. The general area had been declared safe, so she was given no armor, as all the barbarians were in attendance, except her mother and the shaman, and the forest where she would hunt in should prove no truly difficult task for the girl. She smiled, waved the hammer high, kissed her father on the cheek, and ran off towards the forest, thinking to make this quick as she found a boar's trail.

Silent, beady eyes watched the entire ceremony from afar, then the girl running to the forest. There was a faint chuckle.. all was set in place. The girl would die tonight, before it was too late. She was supposed to have killed herself by now...

Krynsta ran along the simple trail, sniffing, occasionally going down on all four's to get a clearer scent. The woods were dark and the scent helped her more than the trail itself, as she made her way deeper into the forest, sniffing. "...Is that... blood?" she blinked, kneeling to inspect a small trickle of pig blood on the ground. Curious, she started forward, when there was a loud crack beneath her, and the ground gave way. She cried out, falling to her knees as she grabbed for something, anything, to hold her up... and her hand caught on a boot as she dangled over a shallow hole, disguised by some bad weaving and dirt pushed over it. A trap. "Help me!" she clung to the boot, looking up.

"Curiousity killed the cat." the shaman looked down at her, grinning as he kicked her wrist, causing her to wince, but the damned girl refused to let go. That is, until something green wrapped around her foot, causing her eyes to widen, and yanked her into the hole. "Now there will be no one to take my place as the rightful chieftain..." the frail shaman grinned down into the darkness... well, best to get a move on, before his 'friends' decided they weren't satisfied with the spells and mehrial he'd given them for hiding here.

Krynsta landed on her belly, the wind knocked out of her, as something tugged on her ankle, and a chorus of throaty chuckles filled the darkness around her. "Who's there?!" she kicked at the hand, and it recoiled, into the shadows. She quickly stood, looking up at the entrance to the hole, just out of her reach, then around, her fists balling as she went into her practiced fighting stance, narrowing her eyes. Shapes moved in the shadows, and suddenly a lit torch had her wincing as she found she was in a small cave. A large, ugly green troll stood behind a group of leering, drooling goblins, who chuckled and giggled at the catgirl as the troll set the torn against the wall.

"Weesa gonna have sum fun's." the troll grinned, revealing the green teeth that matched his skin, and nodding. The goblins rushed forward, three at once, though there were nine in total. Krynsta had time to spot the dead boar in the corner of the cave, before she went into a roundhouse kick, sending one goblin flipping right over before his skull cracked into the hard wall and he tumbled. This gave the others pause, but still, they grabbed for her, one catching hold of her leg, only to find a punch bringing stars to its' eyes and sending it flailing and falling on its ass. The troll chuckled, enjoying the show as he watched the almost nude feline beating up on his little group, knowing he couldn't let this go too long, or the barbarians would start to worry. Five goblins were sprawled on the floor by the time he stood, his hulking form blocking out the torchlight and leaving the catgirl blind.

"Let me go!" she hissed, as four goblin hands grabbed for her wrists, and a punch slammed into her surprisingly firm stomach, sending the goblin stepping back and shaking its hand, blinking. Still, the feline winced in pain, gasping, and tried to pull away as the troll seemed to disappear, the torchlight illuminating the cave as she realized she couldn't see one of the goblins... and then she felt a hand squeeze her ass as she tried to pull free of the two at her wrists. "Damnit!" She moved to kick backwards, just before a heavy punch from the troll slammed into her cheek, sending her and the three goblins falling over, her cheek bleeding from a ring the troll wore on his hand, of a sharp star.

"Heh heh heh, pretty pussy no like teh greens, eh..." the four goblins moved to pin the girl, as she panted, reeling and staring up at the stars through the hole in the roof. "Greens like teh pretty kitty, yes..." A very creative name for the troll. He was glad he chose it, he was such a smart troll. The troll eyed the wound, and chuckled, holding the enchanted ring up after taking it off. "Greens make kitty his." he nodded, the star on the ring flaring a bright red.

Krynsta blinked, the sky slowly coming into focus, before the stars were replaced by the troll's ugly, warty face and the shining ring. "Wha..." she started, then screamed in agony as the burning star was pressed against the wound on her cheek, the smell of burning flesh starting to fill the cave as her scream pierced the silence of the night. The goblins struggled to hold her down as she thrashed, giggling and chuckling as they looked upon her pain, and the troll grinned, holding the star there for an eternity, before he finally pulled away, chuckling.

"You all Greens now." the goblins nodded. They themselves bore similar marks on their shoulders. Krynsta closed her eyes, tears streaking down her face, though luckily they missed the burn. Her breathing was ragged, and heavy, coming a bit hard to her as she tried not to pass out from the pain on her cheek. "Greens going to enjoy new pet..." Greens nodded, coming forward as one somewhat clawed hand undid his loincloth, letting it fall to the floor to reveal his hard, warty, erect green member, and he shuffled forward.

At first, Krynsta had no idea what the troll was pressing against her lips, then forcing into her mouth. One hand held her chin firmly, the other on her head as he thrust his cock deep into her warm wet mouth, groaning... it had been a while since Greens had had himself a pretty one. Krynsta gagged, but couldn't do a thing as he held her firmly, raping her mouth, his own knees pinning her arms to the ground as she continued to cry, keeping her eyes tightly closed, not wanting to see. Her tongue clung to the floor of her mouth, refusing to touch the warty cock in her mouth as Greens thrust in, slamming the head into the back of her throat repeatedly, the girl barely able to breath under the huge troll.

Back at the celebration, Gralharm blinked as his wife seemed to show from nowhere, clutching at his side, sitting next to him as her head rested on his shoulder. "...Something's wrong." Stardust said softly, and Gralharm looked down at her, confused. Stardust looked up, and pointed to a shooting star, red and blazing through the sky, then up at her master and husband. Gralharm followed her gaze, then looked back down to her, then stood, rushing to grab his axe.

Krynsta gathered herself as she felt the troll tense, determined not to drink of his seed, she summoned her courage and strength as Greens groaned, and promptly bit down on his member as he pulled back. Greens' grip on her jaw had grown a little loose, and a catfang sank into the flesh as he howled, and pulled her jaw open, freeing himself, bleeding even as his cock spurted cum onto Krynsta's face, and she screamed once more, the troll's hot cum like acid on the star mark on her face as she wailed, unable to even wipe the cum from her face, pinned to the ground. She wasn't for long though, the troll backing away to tend to his bleeding member, howling and angered. The goblins moved to take his place, flipping the crying girl over as she felt her anus violated by a hard green goblin cock, thrust into her with no mercy as it pumped into her upturned ass. Another goblin held her up, stupidly rubing its cock against her side and grinning, as one got in front of her, and held her mouth open, determined to outdo its master as it forced its cock into her weak jaws, raping her lips. The third goblin crawled under Krynsta, its cock squeezing its way into her tight sex, to find to its delight that she was a virgin.

Krynsta could do nothing as she was raped, bouncing back and forth off goblin cocks, breasts swinging back and forth as she was forced to drink down putrid goblin cum, the goblin's spraying seed on her back, in her ass, her sex, and her throat, and still fucking her, not knowing when the next time they'd get a chance like this would be. A puddle was forming around the girl, all the goblin's cum, for the girl's body was in so much pain she couldn't even get any pleasure out of it as she struggled not to choke and drown.

Greens saved her though. A mighty backhand sent three of the goblins stumbling away, cum dripping to the floor, then the last goblin was hit with the torch. The troll grabbed the girl's arm, growling. "You think bite Greens funny?! You think smart you is?!" It waved the torch, then promptly pressed Krynsta's right arm into the flame. "You pay!" Greens snarled, as the smell of smoking flesh killed off the stench of goblin sex and Krynsta screamed, trying to wriggle away, but the troll's grip was strong, and he refused to release her.

Gralharm stopped, having been lost, as the loud scream pierced the air, hitting a high note and holding as he homed in on it. Running through the trees, he came to the hole in the path, and leaped in without a thought, his axe coming to bear as he saw what was going on. "Let go of m'girl!!!" he roared, and the axe swung, taking the heads off of two of the goblins stupidly watching the scene with the troll and Krynsta. Greens blinked, looking up to Gralharm with surprise as he dropped the girl, and the last goblin ran off to hide in the shadows of the cave. Krynsta curled into a fetal position, whimpering at the pain before she passed out, her mind fleeing the pains of the flame as it ran.

Gralharm swung with the axe once more, catching the dwarf full in the chest as the blade sunk in, the troll stuck on it. Greens grabbed at the handle, thinking to show the chieftain a few tricks, then winced, both from the pain, and the realization that the barbarian had picked up the torch while Greens was held there. Greens gasped, gave a week cry, and went limp, eyes slowly closing... Greens wasn't exactly 'quick' but he was intelligent, and he would revive from his own natural regeneration. So he played dead.

Gralharm looked to his daughter, leaving Greens to his act as he picked her up. "Krynny..." he held his daughter a moment, releasing the axe, before carefully tucking her under one arm, and climbing out of the hole with her, running back to the encampment to get her healed.

Part 6 - Dead Star

Krynsta opened one eye, then the other, laying in bed and staring up at the roof, taking slow, deep breaths. Bed... that meant she wasn't still... she shivered at the thought, and held up her arm, to look at the ivory scar that curled around her arm, melding with her skin so that it looked like it was seeping into the rest of her being. Her arm had been broken by the troll's grip, she was sure, especially since she could only hold it up a moment before she was gasping, and it dropped to her side. She was crippled. A small battle was waged, to rest her right hand on her stomach and spread her fingers, leaving her exhausted, before she passed out.

A short while later, she awoke to the sounds of shuffling boots. She looked up, then went wide-eyed at the sight of the shaman standing over her, glaring down at her. "You weak, pathetic girl." He spat. "You failed the hunt. You are a failure, and a disgrace to this clan." Krynsta's ruby eyes shimmered... she vaguely, vaguely thought she remembered seeing the shaman at the hole, but everything was so fuzzy...

"I fell into a trap..." she murmured softly.

"Fool. A trap made by goblins! We shall not exile you..." of course not. Gralharm would kill him if he knew the shaman had even come here. "But I shall ask you to leave, and soon, before you disgrace this clan any further." The shaman leaned forward, his rank breath filling her nostrils before she turned away. "We cannot afford to have a cripple for a leader. I won't have it." there was the weight of a threat, and Krynsta winced, looking to the edge of her bed... at the new cast on her right arm, that hid the scars.

"...I will leave." she murmured softly, closing her eyes, trying to blink back tears. She had failed. Her father was disappointed, and it had been such a simple task she had been given... such an important meaning though, for her to prove herself. "I..."

"Shutup fool. I expect you gone by nightfall." The shaman grabbed her chin, and forced her to look up into his fair face, his dark blue eyes narrowing at her. "Don't let me catch you after dark, dear." he smirked, then turned on his heel after releasing her, striding out. Krynsta listened to his footfalls silently, ruby eyes shimmering, before she sat up, looking for her things. They were gathered next to the bed, and she got dressed, before looking around the room. She stared at the ground then, for what must have been hours. She should have completed the task. She could have... she wasn't weak... or was she? She had to leave, not only because she was a disgrace to the clan, but also because she had to find out. With her right arm damaged, all her training was ruined, and she picked up the small hammer with the left, looking at it. She took a good swing, an winced at the awkwardness... then sighed softly.

She left the camp that day, looking back several times, praying that when she had the strength to return, it would still be there, but knowing in her heavy heart that the camp would move on, as nomads do, in search of newer, fresher lands. And so standing a good distance away, Krynsta bid her farewells, to everyone but her mother, and of course, the shaman, the words "Pretty pussy" ringing in her ears.. she reached up and carefully tucked her somewhat small cat ears down, to hide them in her hair. She cursed her mother, and vowed to prove she was worth something, and then find her father, some day. Still, with her bitter feelings and new determination, the half-cat cried, barely able to see where she was going as she left. And Greens watched.