Legends of Belariath


Brought into creation, a rare form of pearl that he himself had only seen once within his years of life which had spanned into the hundreds. Her scales and flesh a soft red, carrying a pearlescent sheen, hair long and silky of onyx, her body formed perfectly, with full breasts, slim waist, those scaled wings that lay upon her back. From the moment she was created he had foreseen her path in life, at least those years that she was to stay with him. So for those years he would protect her, and then perhaps a few beyond, he would disguise her true colors, making her appear to be that of a normal pearl drak.

Just as he saw she took an instant liking to nature, spending time in the forest surrounding his kingdom, she knew how to tend to his gardens and she would befriend the various creatures that called his forest home. She spent her days on the path of a druid, learning and honing her skills. She would also be taught by her Elder, how to be a woman, for though she was created as a full grown female he had to give her knowledge of what would go on.

She would grow in beauty and in intelligence, she would grow in those skills that he gave her as a woman, yet she would remain completely innocent, her body for one and one alone, male that is to take. He would teach her how to pleasure a man, allow her to read the books he had gathered on the subjects of sex and seduction. Though he knew that she would only learn within her mind, he knew that once she met that one that would take her innocence he would teach her how to grow with her body.

When he felt she was ready, both in her skills as a druid and that of a woman he would send her on, send her out into that world, to seek out a new land, a land that he had heard of, wishing her to explore for him. To periodically check back and to report to him on what she would find there.