Legends of Belariath

Liriel Xolarrin

Liriel was born in the house Xolarrin, it being a house that specialised in mages, she was the only who actually became a priestess first. Of her childhood nothing out of the ordinary for a Moriel was worthy of notice. Actually she was always taken as the weak element, being the youngest of the daughters she was always left to be disposed off by her sisters. The task was difficulted though when she beggan to train as a cleric, rather than a mage, being in a different school and not leaving that often, she proved a hard target for assassinations, depite the failed atempts her sisters never called it a quit. Well, not until she proved she wasn't quite weak as they expected. She'd have invited her sisters to come to her cerimony as she was finally ready to beggin walking the path as cleric on her own. Of course they thought that this was just her trying to prove herself equal by graduating. It was a trap of course. The four were ambused by a group of minautars and other lesser beings. The 4th sister died with an axe deep in her skull, all the others survived. Despite no action claimed by Liriel, her grin during the cerimony which was directed to her sisters was all the prove they'd need. She knew that they would take the mensage quite well and they'd have to be more careful themselfs in any further atempts.

She'd spend a few years in her family fortress until she decided that it was safest to plot her sisters and mother demise outside, on the sunblasted lands above. She'd have to take no part in the daily struggle to surve and ploting to kill her sisters. No, she'd gain power first, she'd build an extension of her house and when time came, she'd fall down on them like a sledgehammer. Sweep all in a single blow... Well that was possibility anyway, she'd still have to plot how exactly to kill them, but when she returned to the nethergloom, one thing was certain, things would change.