Legends of Belariath


*As you move through a series of arches formed by trees and vines forming a natural door and entrance, a gold and black furred being with pointy sylvan ears, approaches you, as he grows closer he smiles and bows*

Welcome to my humble aboad.. I am MacKnight, and I shall be your host. If I can be of any help please by all means ask, I would be honored to assist you in any way I possibly can.

*As you look around MacKnight's home, you see that it is surrounded by trees, the trees seem to form a natural wall, and the canopy of the trees form a natural roof, there is a small pond towards back of the large sanctuary, outlining the wall, are herbs of different colors and sizes, also around the sanctuary is many different types of animals many seem to be injured or recovering from injury, but none seem to be quarreling, even those that might be possible enemies seem to have come to find peace in this strange place.*

*Macknight looks at you, and smiles again* Animals know this place is safe, and come from all around when injured, for they know that Gaea and I shall look after them till they are healed and well enough to be on their own. Even would be foes will not fight.

Not many know where to find my home, and the trees of this area are unspoiled, I do hope you will do your best to keep it a secret so the animals may continue to use it as a sanctuary, I am capable of defending it *Motions to a pair of scimitar at his side, and ninjato on his back* but I would rather not fight if I can avoid it. That is why I do not advertise the area, it is too pure and too peaceful to allow man to know of it, humans and High Elves would only try to exploit it and destroy its beauty. Only through Gaea's wishes were you allowed to find this place and enter with out harm. Those who respect nature and let Gaea guide them are let in, unless they are in dire need. *his states as his tail flicks from side to side, as he watches you* If you find something here you like, please ask and I shall see what I can do to appease your desire, but do not take things with out permission.

"So what can I do for ya?" the Sylvan cat askes as he watches you look around, "I'm also a weaponsmith for the area, I work at the weapon shop in town over in that way." he states and points in the direction of the town next to the Lonely Inn, "I've been training at the Naked Bird as well, thats the Clothes shop, you should check both places out sometime, if you need a weapon repaired there aren't many who can do em better then I can." he says, "Though I know I'm not the best, but my granddaddy taught me and he was considered by many to be the best, well that is before he and the others were murdered." he adds and looks up towards the sky briefly then looks back at you, "If you do decide to stop by the weaponshop, if I'm working I'll do my best to provide you with a blade fit for your skills and strong enough to defend yourself against those who would wish to do harm to you." he explains, "I'll most likely be in the back sharpenin' or repairin' older blades so they can be fit to sell, its no good letting metal of a blade go to waste when it can be used to make a better blade, and sometimes a better companion for some." he adds and sits down.

"If I'm found at the Naked Bird, I'll probably still be learning the ropes, I haven't learned much about clothes before I started, though I am a quick learner, the matching of colors and patterns is still a bit tricky for me" he says, "Well I best be off now, there are animals who need my caring, please take your time and enjoy the area, comeback if you feel the need to." he adds and begins to walk towards his an area that was hidden from your view when you were standing, a large cave towards the back of the sanctuary, as he dissappears he waves one last time and then all is quite save for the wind howling through the trees and russling the leaves.

As you turn to leave you notice a black panther now watches you as though protecting the area while its guardian is away, the panthers eyes are blue, they look friendly, but as the panther shows his white teeth, as a reminder that he may look friendly but if he needs to he will show you the hardway that he is still a member of the large cat family.