Legends of Belariath



Maya felt a cold trickle of wet down her back. Flexing her 10 foot wide wings she looked above to see the grinning face of her friend Tamrael holding a water skin that trickled water down on to her.

“Tamrael Ezoral I’m going to strangle you!” she pouted and quickly flexed her blue gold wings to swoop up even with him as they flew over the fields..

She glanced to her side at the tall Toiran young man of 19 summers, with his curling black hair down to his shoulders, white wings and deep emerald eyes..

“Hi Tam! That wasn’t very nice you know.” Her face scrunched into a pretend frown.

“Ah Maya, I thought you might be thirsty as hard as you practice. I’m sorry.”

But he did not look sorry..a roguish grin and twinkling eyes filling his face as he gazed at her with apparent affection.

“Hmmph.. well, if you are through playing..lets just fly a bit.. She said good naturedly.

“Ok” he said.. “Lets go a bit lower.”

Side by side they made a gentle soaring turn and circled down. Below them were the fields of Cl’ Varmoth. The home of their small clan. Set in a large wide valley in the mountains, the Varlil river ran through the middle of the mountain park. In the fields along the river they could see workers and mages assisting in the tail end of harvest.. Farther up on the south side of the valley small homes could be seen, set here and there and various people going about their business.

Towards the center of a group of homes..one could see the Elders hall..a wooden building that was meeting hall, elders hall and community center for Cl’ Varmoth.

It had been a good year..a good harvest and all Varmoth were looking forward to the harvest celebration and Cloud Dance – where selected Torians showed off their skills by performing intricate group maneuvers in the sky

The Cl’ Varmoth had wandered long before finding this valley after a harrowing winter that left many starved.. They found this mountain home 19 years ago..the day Maya was born. They had gingerly settled in here,enjoying the thermals of the mountains, the fertile soils of the valley, the plentiful game.

Though wanderlust still was a part of them, this place had become a home to return to no matter how far they might roam. The never ending migration common to Torians had not been lost..but for them, after the fall harvest, those who had their role births that year, commonly left for a year or more..on a task assigned by the elders, or just to learn..or just to wander…usually returning to their clan in the fall for a visit or to settle down.

They landed and walked through the fields: “It is a good harvest this year Maya” said Tam..looking around at the plentiful harvest..

“Yes it is… so many good things this year..just think:. Our Role Births tomorrow, then the harvest celebration and then us both in the Cloud Dance! All in the next two days!”

Tam nodded and wrapped an arm round her shoulder as they walked.

Maya looked serious for a bit..

“What is it Maya? You look thoughtful and we can’t have that.”

She looked up at his handsome face with a rueful grin and laughing. “Oh you are so mean to me!” then went on…

“I wonder what my Role shall be.. I mean it is clear you will be a warrior Tam..for you are the best in your class with weapons and such,”

Tam stood a bit straighter, puffed out his chest a bit, and tried to look like a warrior at these words..unnoticed by Maya.

“Maya .you’re well skilled with your wristbow and energy bolt. And..you have your fathers muscles. There is none better than Arkal and me in our class.. But with your mother a Mage and your skill with spells…. “

She wrinkled her brow and looked at him saying slowly: “That’s just it… I like them both. Well the Elders will reveal it soon, tomorrow in fact. And I will know.”

”Just remember Mayalaya …he said with a loving grin.. that you also will have another Role.. my wife!”

Maya turned to him with eyes gleaming with love.. “Yes Tam..and you will be my Husband.”

They had made their vows a month ago..and the clan approved.. For it was clear from the earliest age that these two had a special bond..playing as children and now grown into a young man and woman. People smiled to see such a lovely couple.

But nothing could be done until after the role births,for that is when Torians were allowed to marry. Still they had made their pledge.

Having left the fields and ascended a wide path up into the gentles hills..they arrived in front of Mayas home.

They turned to each other.

“Fare thee well Tam. I love you.”

He grinned down on her with his deep emerald eyes .. “Fare thee well princess. And never forget I love you. Until tomorrow!”

She watched as he took off into the dusk and then turned to hurry inside.


Dear Mother,

I know not when this will get to you. Mayhaps I will meet a clan brother or sister returning to our home and they will carry it.

After many interesting adventures, I arrived at The Lonely Inn, meeting place for many races in Belariath. I got a job as a clerk in a store and as a guard at the Healers Guild though by the time you get this all may be changed.. The healers remind me much of you and their skill is great.

This place is very different than our home, and I’ve met many people, including many Torians..it seems the most of the dark winged ones end up here.

So much as happened. I don’t know where to start..but perhaps mentioning MacKnight might be a good place. Mother, I’ve finally gotten over Tamrael’s death..I still think of him and am sad sometimes..but no longer am I as I was when I left.. MacKnight is a druid and is dear to my heart. He makes me happy and watches out for me. There are others who I’ve grown close to and the delicate feelings and emotions of love and friendship with these ones …well I thank Maedel for them. Sometimes it feels as if my heart is overflowing.

And I’ve made progress in learning new battle techniques too..though there is much more to learn..which is while I will not return this year for the fall festival.

As those barbarians slayed us with brute strength and weapons, along with that dark paladins magic, I first focused on learning to fight on the ground, with a long sword! After many painful lessons, I am finally to a point where I can beat a few..and these techniques can be learned by any in our clan.

I’ve seen too that we must understand our enemies..for they think differently than us and that difference may kill us. People here do not think or act like us..even many of the Torians .The clans have traveled far apart in philosophy and in distance since the Fallen Wars. So..I’ve learned to not pay too much attention to appearances..but learn the mettle of a person. This is something I must work at..for a what looks like a foe can be a friend..and vice versa. And I still shudder at first to see dark wing or chiriot..yet..even one of each has become my friend and as of yet..no ill luck has befallen me because of it..

The Barbarians here think might makes right. Their honor is based on who is strongest. He who is strongest has the most honor. And I can see how that might seem pleasing to ones who are so strong. Indeed at times I am drawn to dominating another simply because I CAN. Tis a corrupting thing and I guard against it, not always successful.

Still, there are those here with true honor..and with these I can show my true self..the friendly, compassionate girl that you knew before IT happened..

However, lest you think I’ve changed completely, know you my high passions in all things has been tempered a bit but still remains. The technique you taught me to calm my mind does help and at times I am able to think rather than become overcome with with ill advised feelings of temper.

I will be continuing to improve my skills with weapons and then move onto to magic. I do feel a desire to learn healing,but that is not my Role. Still perhaps I may find time.. I’ve seen many effective spells in battle.and hope to become a student at Unigo..a magic school to learn more of them and of magic in general. Never again shall we suffer as we did that day.

One other thing - you may be surprised as I was that mating here is often a very casual thing and the variety of mating is mind dizzying with all the races. Though generally, I stay with my mates, sometimes I ruffle my feathers a bit with others.

Say hello to Father, and all my friends and I hope all is well with you. I will see you next fall. I am well and have many friends here.
