Legends of Belariath


Gone are the days of flying, soaring on high, gone are the days of simply dancing under sun drenched, happily and contented and bathed in the beautiful bliss that is life. It is all remembered, all up there within her, and often recalled in all its beauteous and neat details... so as to be kicked at, scorned, mocked and trampled upon by what is newly in place.

Underdark was an eye-opener. Vivid memories of pain, which back then she reviled, frightened from, running from, fighting from, even. Of being taken, by one after another after another, dragged around as a toy, for she had, among others, been given to the male castes within for whatever uses they desired. The scars drawn were deep, had been dreadful and she dreaded to behold them once, but no longer. For scars that are old friends define the person, and even as she came to appreciate her situation, so those became embraced as her most treasured and delectable memories.

The return to light was irksome, but not totally unwelcome, and there had been a recent raid in which some temple was brought down, and some were taken away. Though hospitality her rescuers provided was not intense enough, she soon took steps to rectify that measure. Her stay in their world was fruitful, but as she started using her basic spells learnt from her time beneath the earth, so too did things change as they realised part of her was of the world beneath. She knew they wanted her skills, but the outcome was predictable, for when they were in groups they were all such prudes, and alone they sated not her hunger.

However it was not without benefits, the freedom giving her more ways to roam and experiment the world, trying out new ways in styles most suited to what she was, with the hunger and spells from down below. Even better the time spent with the surface elves covered all her blemishes, returning her to the state of her innocence from earlier. All the better to have her way, yes indeed, including honing what strength she had garnered from her time below. To be the slave and master, both, and over time, to derive pleasure even beyond what others could afford to give... what bliss.

And thus it was that Melendrith came to the Lonely Inn.


- Something that came up following an Ogre Raid on the Lonely Inn, where an Ogre carried Melendrith off and Raped her

Those wandering through the forest near the inn might find the following body against a tree.

The body would be that of a large ogre, a club lying some distance from him. The face would be almost untouched, albeit stained with some wetness, and indeed there would be some coconut husks nearby containing water, others discarded, presumably used to rouse the ogre and keep the ogre conscious.

The broad shoulders would have been bashed in as if by several spiked heads of steel, and one side would have marks as if a hand had crushed it further into a pulp in a few places after it had been “softened” by whatever was used to cause the wound. The ogre's arms would be split through the elbows from the back as if by a myriad of blades and then dislocated forcefully, although casual look at the wound would reveal some places where healing was kicking in, and that they were in the process of partial magical healing when the unfortunate died.

One thigh would also be ruptured, smashed by the same heavy weapon, with the major artery having bled so much there would be a huge stain over the place, and such a wound would mean death without healing attention. If a skilled healer were to examine the wound, it would be noted also that it had been healed partially as if to prolong the bleeding process, and some small sticks inserted strategically to keep the wound open even if healing magics were to be used.

Between the ogre's spread legs, where the genitalia would normally be, would be a gaping wound rubbed over with some honey, and ants crawling over the wound. The missing body parts would be found right in front of the body, one of them looked as if it had been crushed by hand and then ripped off, and both parts were arranged as if the person who had done this deed had left them in front of the victim so the victim could look at them as he died painfully.