Legends of Belariath

Morbius Onimura

Morbius was borne of the dreams of an underground dragon like any other dark Drak Sen. His main reason for existing is the defense of the Elder who's nightmare spawned him. He spent the first years of his life in an underground volcanic cave with his elder. These are remembered with a great deal of blood shed (most if not all done by him) and images of friends being burned alive (or rather being ripped apart and eaten) the Defining point in his life happened during an encounter with a town. A dark knight who aimed at making his kingdom in their town set them upon, this would not have bothered Morbius if not for His elder telling him that the knight had amassed power by stealing an amulet from him. Morbius was to regain the amulet at all cost. After three weeks of searching the Morbius found the black knight in his newly erected Fort surrounded by Lords of the land and a mass of peasants. Through much fighting and bloodshed the lords, Morbius and peasants managed to break down the gates of the fort. The Black knight held a woman in hand and stated that he would kill her if any drew near. Not caring about the woman but about his Elders will Morbius hurled himself at the dark knight knocking the woman free and tackling him to the ground. A dagger was shoved in to his ribs yet Morbius managed to snap the neck of the knight before he lost consciousness. When he awoke an old man and his daughter who looked familiar to him, yet Morbius didn’t really care were tending him to. Pushing his weakened form from the bed he asked who was currently in holding of the Black knights amulet. The Old man stated very quickly seeing a look of cold calculation on morbius's face that the black knights things were burned in a pit and burred. Growling in frustration Morbius attempted to find a blade to run the man through, yet his master had not said he was sapposed to kill any one when he was out so he didn’t not know if he could. He sighed and moved to return to his Elder and was stopped by the old man” Hold on there young un some one wants to say hi to you.” he turned his wings flaring out and he almost growled as he stared down on a child who was holding the amulet in her small palms” dank due for spaving me” were the words she said and offered the Amulet up to Morbius.... For the first time in his life Morbius felt. Well tingly... maybe that was the word for it he had been thanked by some one other then his elder. He pondered this thought all the way back to his Elders cave and returned the Amulet. His elder thinking that something was amice searched Morbius's dreams and found the small spark of pride at saving some ones life instead of ending it. His Elder then gave him this Decree” You shall go in to the world of men and live among them learn there secrets and there weaknesses and live out this foolish dream of honor and kindness and when you have return to me and report. Morbius Obeyed, or rather he thought he did his master had not stated on how he should live and do this... he had a free will if you would say. He made his way in to the world returning to the Town that had dubbed him a hero and there he learned from a wandering knight about tactics and swordplay and the ways of honor.. And how to get around shield and weapon defenses. He fought and proved himself a knight and was thus knighted by the lord of the land. However there was a small set back in Morbius's life of honor and Kindness. The people of the town began to abuse him seeing his Elder given abilities as their own hand and they called upon him for everything and anything. Then one night when a group of bandits attacked Morbius was knocked unconscious in the first strap by a minotar's hammer and left for dead, when he awoke there were many dead and greater wounded. When Morbius asked what happened he was cursed” Hmm you were not here to help us.. Some knight you are!” Morbius blinked in confusion as the many town’s people that he talked to told him to be on his way for being a quitter and low life. They blamed him for not being there to stop the Bandits from killing and wounding them. Morbius became so lost in his sorrow and rage that when a passing woman called him worthless and kicked him in the groin for letting her babies die he snapped and went on a killing rampage. It was rather funny he thought even as he sat on a mantle holding a glaive in his once white armor and stared out at the blood-covered scene before him. (This is where he is in his pic) In the end he had tried to hurt and had been regarded a hero then tried to help and seen as a plague.... His persona changed somewhat even as he drove the blade of the glaive in to a man who was begging for mercy. He returned to his elder with a great insight in to the ways of men and war and he believed one simple truth. He was a knight and he had honor.. And it was all to his Elder.

4 years pasted and in that time Morbius became aggravated at his as he called it down time. Due to the slaughtering of the City beside the cave that lead to his Elders Mountain home he had no means of gaining fresh victims. Luckily His elder was also growing disturbed by the lack of fresh blood and sacrifices. Thus it was that he Sent Morbius out in to the land, the Dragon would sleep while his Drak performed his dark deeds upon the lands he passed. Morbius traveled roaming where he saw fit and slaughtering any one for any reason. The Drake never became infamous for one reason, he Only remained in the towns and cities that he killed in long enough to sleep sending the fresh memory of horrific acts of violence and pain to his elder- However, the male would soon come to a land where he was able to indulge in the pleasure of his God with out fear of attraction the Law of the land- Belariath.

The first few days in this land were spent picking a Victim to take and maim and rape. While unsure of the place the Drak was rather inclined to keep a low profile regardless, however in this time he found that others raped and were raped with a rather alarming rate. Each time he remained behind watching the victim and awaiting the authorities to show up and attempt to apprehend the wrong doer.. Only none ever showed. Morbius filled with a Childs glee at the thought of such unending pleasure he could have at the misery of others- He made plans to rape and rape often, however these plans would be forgotten after the first woman the Drak met, a red haired woman named Lillian.

The matching of the two was something that was rather unexpected he had been checking her out planning the chance to steel her away and rape her for days and yet when the time came he found she was more willing then he could have imagined, however he assumed that that was due to the fact she had drunk a bottle of bourbon by herself. The red haired human woman was more susceptible to Morbius’s charms and he took her in a chair in the inn, his thick shaft breaking the flesh of her sex in deep harsh thrust. However despite the fact that she was being brutally ripped and used the woman reveled in the Draks touch, instead of being raped she made it in to a session of ravishing that lasted well in to the early hours of the next day. It was only during dawn of the next morning that they were stopped finally sated in their pleasure and the Large Drak Embracing the woman who’s head rested just below his chest. As she clung to him the Drak once more felt the sparking of the desire to become wholesome and virtues (This is the Mineral Drak’s personality trait of attempting to defy their Elder in some small way or another when they can) Feeling the enigmatic sensation of love for the first time the Drak claimed the woman as his lover and thus they fell to slumber, only to awaken seven hours later and resume their carnal motions.

Perhaps there are some who would find pleasure in believing that this tale of love at first sexual encounter, and believe with all their might that it has a happy ending. They are the fools who never learned that fairy tails are just that, pieces of bug shat.

In the beginning the union of the couple was rather high-spirited and why not. The Drak would work as a mercenary to provide suitable dreams for his Elders desire for carnage and pain, while secretly stoking the fires of a love for the woman who’s body he abused and used to sate both his and her dark lustful desires. But nothing is ever what one wants it to be for long. In a land where Rape is common to the point that some one screaming for help in a crowded inn is looked at spat upon and then mounted by another right after her initial rape has released his load and walked away, its hard for any man and or woman to walk away unscathed. Or unchanged. The Drak raped women; men, the Drak slept with woman, the Human slept with men, raped the human. Even that was tolerated in the hopes they could overcome the world around them. The Pair of them began to take long absences from one another, this added strain to the thinking love that held them and might have completely torn them apart, if not for the fact that the heated arguments that came after they reunited were always followed with two or three days of rough sex that required more then one healing potion in the most gentle sessions between the two. The Final Straw that broke the union was the Draks dark desires to have a harem of slaves, and the woman’s many lovers who professed love that the Drak could no longer compete with.

Thus the two were torn from their happy place filled with nights of Bondage and pain filled sexual acts and mornings of healing afterward in which they cuddled in to one another’s arms. The Emotional Breakage tore at the Drak who had never known such an emotion before and his Views once more shifted towards anger and malice. After a Spree of raping and a rampage of destruction and death the Drak returned to the Land once more, now promising the absolute loyalty to his elder that is expected and attempting to inflict as much pain and suffering as he can upon others, however even in his renewed quest for depraved acts of the darkest nature, he still harbors the Memory of those Sweet sensations that love causes in some one and the deeply hidden hunger to feel them once more.