Legends of Belariath

Nuemalyys Orlausck

Nuemalyys was born blind. The only child his mother had seen, and from her blood, knew that none of her mother's side were blind, least from what she was told, the only culprit being the male she abused and used to make Nuemalyys, someone in his bloodline had to be the reason. Since his birth, he has always had a tough time fitting in. The girl Moriels picked on him as well as the boys, taunting him, throwing in his face that they could see how beautiful water was, how beautifully cooked food was, every chance they had to show they were better for their eyesight, they would. Including inviting him in their games, only to toss objects at him as he was beginning to feel accepted by his peers. Even his mother resented the boy for being blind, hating how she had to dote on him, take him everywhere, help him bathe with the right instruments, give him the right eating utensils.

One day when he was fourteen(in human years), he had gone around the corner, about to call for his mother to guide him so he could get food, only to hear her talking, "For so many years I've coddled this boy! I wish I had never given birth to the abomination! Kirva take me away!" This is when he decided he had to leave. Not out of anger towards his mother, but because she deserved a better life, one that was without the constant neediness of a son who is handicapped. He packed his things, taking with him only a few things. Leaving a note to his mother in the language of their people, "Ilhar, Usstan inbalus nym'uerus vel'bol dos telanthus ulu jalbyr j'nesst bauth uns'aa. Usstan tlun taudl Usstan elggat dosst dro. Dos rytho'le jalbyr dalhar, uss vel'uss zhah naut saph uns'aa, lu'Usstan kestal dos ragar jalbyr jaluk ji uk shlu'ta belbau dos natha dalhar dos orn'la naut ssrig'luin ulu kyon whol saph dos inbal xunor whol uns'aa. Usstan ssinssrigg dos Ilhar, lu'ji dos zhaun nindol, Usstan ja'hai nindel Usstan ssrig'luin ulu sevir nindol k'lar whol dosst loff'tarien. Xun naut ragarrl whol uns'aa, whol Usstan sevir ji dos shlu'ta tlu loff'ta. Usstan tlun aluin ulu l'shinduago, lu'nindel zhah vel'klar Dorn zexen'uma whol l'v'dre d'ussta dro, doeb d'bel'lain dossta. Vedaust Ilhar, lu'xal Kirva dumo dos xuil l'dalhar dos ssinssrin lu'rytho'le." {"Mother, I had heard what you said to another woman about me. I am sorry I destroyed your life. You deserve another child, one who is not like me, and I hope you discover another male so gimbat can give you at child you would not need to care for like you have done for me. I love you Mother, and so you know this, I accept that I need to leave this place for your happiness. Do not search for me, for I leave so you can be happy. I am going to the surface, and that is love I'll stay for the rest of my life, out of respect yours. Goodbye Mother, and may Kirva bless you with the child you desire and deserve."}

He left the note where he'd known she'd find it, right by his room, since it had become customary to go to his room and take him to the kitchen for breakfast. Using the directions given to him (mostly from strangers grabbing him and pushing him in different ways) he would finally reach the surface world, and begin his life.

After years spent up top, saving money, he was able to finally able to start his trek to the town called Nanthalion. Having heard the town, and the people that live near it, were amazingly open to all kinds of peoples, no matter their ailment, and he knew he would soon be home.