Legends of Belariath


As a child NytStarr was treasured by her parents and allowed to run wild with the herds. She would be their only child. But this also caused her to be a bit spoiled. She could do no wrong until one day she went too far in her antics and she was cast out into real life away from the protection of the herd to learn a lesson.

She traveled in the forest, the road taking her into Nathalion and it's territory. One night while in a clearing restless with energy she was stumbled upon by a great hulking wolven. He liked what he saw and he took it, though he met a need within her filling and taking her virginity forcefully though still stopping that restlessness.

Time passed and she relaxed thinking never to see the horrid wolven again. Then one night he returned to find her in the water bathing, he stepped in and made his dominance known and still she fought him. But in the end the stronger wolven captured her, raped her then sent her to be broken fully in Valencia.

Months later he returned to check her progress and during a rather brutal lesson that was much like the past ones but worse because the wolven showed her something she hadn't had experienced since coming to life outside the herd. And that is what broke that final bit of resistance to what was being done to her. She submitted to him to do with as he wished. Anything to free her from the horrid place that had broken and abused her over and over.

He brought her back to Nanthalion to continue training under him personally. The broken centauress a shadow of what she had been before. The wolven actually missing the fire that used to stir his loins with her defiance. The centauress herself a shell of living material. A beaten animal almost accepting without fighting what happened to her.

Time passes and Gaea isn't happy with her druids, though one showed great resilence, not taking her life. But they were lost and the goddess wanted to change that. One day as Nytstarr lay under the great oak she awoke to an odd feeling. She was lighter, and only had two legs. Only vague memories were within her. Most concerning the Wolven who had found her later that day in the grove changed. He couldn't believe the change and that it was her, though the form wore his collar and piercings. Her stomach where a belly button belongs had a pale white star that matched the one that had been between the front legs of her previous form. Another possible sign, other then the things decorating her slim form that she was who she said she was. The voice that spoke her name and called him Master matched his memory and the face, though the coloring was different now, held the same delicate bone structure of the one he had claimed before .

So starts a new stage in the females life. No longer the druid path she walked when she grew up, now born of nature even closer then the druids. Now seeing the spirits in the world around them, using that knowledge to start to manipulate those around her. So cautious at first. Little things. Then more happened, her mind wrapping around others, until they desired to serve the collared shade. Oh privately they were broken but to the whisper that is all she needed for now. Maybe another day her manipulations would come back to haunt her...an event she looked eagerly forward to as she started to embrace her new life. The wolven still claiming her legally, but her mind still relentlessly her own, constantly playing and exploring. She was patient for events to open in front of her....