Legends of Belariath


I was born many years ago. Not so many as to be considered really old, but, let's just say I'm not so young. I was brought into the world on the night of a Hunter's Moon. The crimson glow stained into my memories. My past isn't exactly a normal one. But then again, no ones ever seems to be. My mother was a Tribes Woman. Very strong, and very proud. My father (if you could call him that) was a Moriel. This wasn't exactly a loving relationship here. It was a one night stand. And by that I mean my mother caught the son of a bitch encroaching on her land and raped him to near death. The fact she was to bear his child would be the only revenge he'd have on her. In the time that followed, I would be born, and the village to which I was born would cast my mother and I out almost immediately. Not such a wonderful beginning here.

The Tribesman are a very strong people and for one to bear a half-blood child, well, that was a sin in some clans. For the one my mother was apart of, it was punishable by death or exile. Despite being thrown out of our own home, she still cared for me, despite my obvious differences. And it was those differences that would plague me throughout my life. Word had spread to other Tribe villages over the years as I grew, and at each one we were turned away. Sometimes stones would be cast at us, and I quickly learned to defend myself against them. I quickly learned how to hate as well. We were always traveling because of this, my mother and I. Yet she never hated me. She could've snuffed me out as an infant and returned to the tribe, and yet she didn't. I could never tell if it was because she truly loved me, or if it was simply to spite our clan. It didn't matter to me, she was still the only person in the world that I trusted.

Our travels were harsh, as was the world, but that didn't bother me as I closed in on adulthood. Still there was something that I myself wished to see, and that was the homeland of my father. Why I was compelled to seek out his people, I'll never know, but I still felt I needed to try. If we couldn't create a home among my mother's people, then perhaps the Dark Elven people would. My mother did not agree that meeting them would be a wise decision, but I urged us to go anyway. It was a mistake, I learned. Despite my appearance, looking much like they did, the Moriel people did not accept us. In fact, they reacted much as the Tribesman had; with disgust and hate. We were driven away, and it was made abundantly clear to me that I would never be accepted anywhere in this world. Both the people that spawned my existence had spurned me. My hate towards others and myself grew as my body did. I swore that, with my anger and hate, I would turn my body into a weapon, one that I could use to release these dark emotions upon those who would scorn me. This thought, perhaps, is what made my mother smile.

Not long after I had reached manhood did I leave my mothers side. I was tall and strong and filled with a profound sense of self-hatred that only fueled my strength. It was then that I left to scour the world, in that I might find release from my tortuous feelings, or perhaps even acceptence in a world beyond what I had seen already. This journey has taken many, many years. Years of traveling across harsh, bitter landscapes and through unpleasant, befouled forests. Very few times in all my travels have I known peace. More often that not have I found myself steeped in blood and fighting for my life. The curse of my blood would never leave me, but that was fine. It was because of my dual heritage that I became strong. Had I just been a full-blood, either Tribesman or Dark Elf, I would've just been one of many. Just a dot in the population of their peoples. However, as I am neither Tribesman nor Moriel, but both as one, I in fact stand alone in this world, supported only by the strength of my own hands. And now, as my long travels have brought me to the lands of Nanthalion, I have become more peaceful, and have found a place of both great danger and great acceptence. For here I have found that it doesn't matter who or what you are, chances are somebody is going to hate you, or love you. It's the perfect place for me to be.