Legends of Belariath


Age: 27

Height: 4'8" (true form- 9 inches)

Weight: 90 pounds (slender) (true form- 1 pound)

Eyes: ever changing

Hair: Long, ruby red, straight

Other distinguishing features: Rhianne has a large pair of butterfly-like wings. While in her larger form, they are incapable of flight.

Appearance: She is usually seen in her favored corsets made of silk or velvet, in any of her favorite colors of black, red, or white, trimmed with lace of a complimenting color. Her true form is every bit as lovely as her larger self, and has the advantage of being able to use her wings.

Abilities: She has the ability to ensnare men, and some women, with her voice. Women are less likely to be permanently entranced. Even before she starts to sing, though, many people are attracted to her pale beauty. It has a tendency to cause problems when she is in a large crowd.

PICS: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y299/Crystlros/Winged%20Wonders/87804_lg.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y299/Crystlros/Winged%20Wonders/firedance.jpg