Legends of Belariath


A primal scream echoed through the woods in a near by land, a woman brought forth a child. She cradled the bastard half breed in her arms and at the very moment the child took its first breath from then on the mother vowed to keep her from the evils of this world. The mother whispered "Robijanje" and the child was named before the forest, it inhabitants and the deities that watched over them. Ironically it was that same vow that ended her mothers life. In the beginning it was a good life, they wandered the woods gathered food, laughed and loved each other. It was a good life, until the raiding parties came they found the elven mother and half breed child. They were captured and taken to the warlords keep, it was there that the young girl learned sorrow for the first time. She never knew the suffering her mother endured, the sylvan woman kept that from her child as best she could. The mother did teach the girl the art of healing this training began in the days in the forests gathering herbs and such. This knowledge not only allowed Ro to heal her mothers wounds delivered by the men of the keep, it saved her own life by giving her a use. Mother and daughter lived like this for years until shortly before Ro would come of age.

Robijanje's mother overheard the plans for her daughter while serving the men their meal one dark eve. She listened quietly though her heart screamed with the fear for her child. In the thick of night she packed her meager possessions, gathered her nearly grown daughter. They snuck out of the keep and made it partially through the forest before they heard the pounding hoof beats of their pursuers horses. Quickly the other kissed her daughter and his her among the trees she boosted her up into the highest limbs and held a finger to her lips urging her to remain silent. The mother stood defiant and strong as the men approached they demanded the girl yet the mother never uttered a word. They cut her throat, death for treason they called out. From the tree top Ro heard and saw it all, as if in slow motion she watched her mother fall to the ground lifeless. As soon as the men rode off to look for the girl, Ro climbed down and cradled her dead mother in her arms. With barely more then the clothes on her back Robijanje set off wandering as she mourned her mother.

Ro was a naive girl, she was sheltered from much of the cruelty she would soon discover. She was near starved when she was found by a woman who scooped up her broken body and carried her to the healers. Her body mended but her mind still harbors images of her mothers last breath. She struggled to overcome her sadness, the woman who found her took her under her tutelage. The woman became a mentor when Ro needed one most, she learned to serve, etiquette, and how to read what one wants most even if they do note themselves. After the sadness left her she was brought to serve the noble houses, she learned quickly their tastes were for more then fine wine and food. She was the first victim of her Lord's debt, she was sold to a neighboring Lord where her service took a dark turn. She suffered abuse at his hands and once more was near death, she had resigned herself to it she would be delivered from the pain of life. Salvation would not come, she suffered for years before a small handful of slaves escaped and drug the poor sickly girl with them.

Being a half breed, her elven blood slowed her aging slightly she looked younger then she was perhaps that is what kept her safe the next few years. She was cared for by the band of running slaves, they moved never staying in one place too long. Slowly the group dwindled either dying off or settling along the way until she was yet again alone. She stumbled into the Lonely Inn, cold hungry and frightened. She found kindness in another long enough to secure a room and seek safety for a time. At first she stayed hidden in that room but she eventually ventured down to the inn. She saw many races she had never seen before, one in particular was a Drak Sen. She was far to afraid to speak to him, to any one in fact, but he noticed her. He seduced the young girl and secured her first collar around her neck. She felt safe, wanted even loved. This would be short lived, he would be called away...he did not return. This was her life, again alone and lost. She would throw herself into the study of healing, she stayed in the healers house for a time. It would be a short time hidden at from the outside world before she returned again to her room at the inn. She was claimed again, and again left to her own devices. She didn't blame him, he had his own fate. Now she was left to hers.