Legends of Belariath

Sakura Blaze

It was clear to any that sakura was an half-breed, human/vulpine, though she seemed more human.

But how that happened not many knew nor was she willing to talk about, she was the result of a rape, her lovely mother, daughter of the clan's leader was violently raped by a human who used her mother as a toy for some days then deserting her pregnant wich already left her weak and the birth of the outcome of it did the rest, hours after birthing the half-breed the lovely vixen died.

Sakura's luck was her grandmother, who saw trades of her daughter in her fought to keep her alive and with the clan.

The grieving father had to relent to his wife's will but he denied to the new born girl his family name, so her only name was sakura.

For some years the half-breed had her grandmother's love and about almost all the clan's despise for not being pure and showing it so clearly, but the despise that hurt her the most was from her own blood, her grandfather and her mother's sisters and brothers.

With her only protectors death her grandfather sold the 6 year old sakura to a gipsy clan, unwilling to watch her grow and look more and more like his favorite daughter. That tribe at first used her for small tasks, picking wood, helping making the food, taking care of the animals and when she was 8 a elder man that maybe saw that skill on her thought her to hunt.

The half-breed loved it, those times were she ran free and used some of the skills natural to her vixen race to hunt and catch food.

Then someone saw her lighting a fire with nothing but her hands and they started training her for another skill, very fitting to her inclination towards fire they started to teach the ten year old to dance, but she hate it, it was too repetitive, restraining and they wanted to be sure she looked feminine, she couldn't cut her hair, had to wear colorful dresses.

Her love for hunting was used as way to force he too cooperate, if she wanted to hunt she had to train, as she slowly learns they make it harder for her, now she had to dance with heavy metal fans, sometime later she had to light them and dance with them alight and should she dare let the fire die, that was she got to know pain, being beaten each time she failed she didn't danced properly, didn't won them any money.

With time she got to love to dance too, she felt free, light and dancing with fire so close to her was a comfort a way to control her temper, she had after all almost killed one of the human males for touching her.

But as sakura grew it got worst, one of the gipsy's clan best hunter had her under eye, wanted her and she couldn't dare fight or hurt him and that was the final drop that made her run away from the clan.

Reaching a new place she gave herself a new family name, blaze, due to her love for fire, reaching a small village she focused on learning to read and write and then to learn magic, to control her powers to use them for her protection, that all while she still danced for her survival.

Once more she had caught the wrong man's attention forcing the petite half-breed to run again this time she ended up in Belariath, but she hid over the forest, surving by hunting, untill she was caught...