Legends of Belariath

Sharm Keth

When the first cat person was made, perhaps the world gave a sigh that it wasn't something vicious but something to tug at their hearts and perhaps reach a hand to pull on their tail. Freakish they seemed if not lovely and as agile as their name-sake. A cute lot had been begotten from the first and onward. Now what you see is a conglomerate of such creatures, living, toiling and working. Life to them was precious and meant to be lived with all your heart. They shouldn't be thought anything but fluff however, for many had risen in the ranks to perhaps be powerful spell casters. Fighters. But perhaps from their willing natures, the love of so many things and just how alluring they did look, they'd become a commodity as hot as a fireball. A commodity of slave hood.

This was Sharm Keths lot in life, and yet it wasn't something to be suffered, but celebrated. From the moment she'd stepped foot into this world, she'd been surprised. Been loved. Been torn apart and hurt. She'd been taken by Rhydel as his slave, but the choice had been given, not taken. He'd promised she'd never be alone for the kitten had been so very horribly.. alone. From the day her parents had been taken in a raid for slaves until a near week or two had passed within this town.. and after? She was not alone again. At least, at first. As with all Masters, Rhydel grew and his slaves did as well. She was his kitten, her kind nature, the way her enthusiasm seemed to make him smile. She would have done anything to the point of taking his death. And so many had been met.

A few had been given her highest of loyalties. A very few. One man however had gained a bit more then her usual.. Oruedin... Even still she misses the merc. He'd captured or rather tugged on soft heart strings and yet.. as usual the man had gone off on some business or another and the kitten was left to watch for his horse in the stables and still attend to her duties. Most pleased by this point, her life so far could hardly be called terrible. The job at the Inn, a tender no less and yet such did keep her busy. And now.. to the decollaring, her choice as it had been in the beginning. Lost, unsure where to place all of her efforts, the kitten skimmed by in life but never refused to speak with another.

Where does this leave Sharm Keth? History will tell you that her loyalties are never shaken nor is she such a bad judge of character though lord knows her friendship with Takao has seen a fair bit of trouble, as well as Soorelen. No friend there.. perhaps we'll get into that another time. For now, Sharms pages and journal are still being written upon. For now, she's pleased with her life, moving in that slinking gait, hearing the bells she wore chiming enough friends, as well as a few enemies to make life interesting. Soon.. I might expand on all.

With Winters firm foot in the door and the nights colder and the winds more fierce, the Kitten took up quill and paper once more, thoughts mulled on, full lips compressed as she thought over the last month of her life. I cannot stress enough that some things should be learned but kept quiet, to bemoan a misstep or misunderstanding never got her very far, especially of late. So with the parting from one she might again have bent a knee to and called Master, the kitten was set free to be on her own. A disgrace she'd been called and yet.. even she didn't believe that. Thinking the man was better off with those he already had enslaved she felt no need to try and regain favor nor perhaps explain further of actions she had no need to explain in the first place. He might have been stern, but the men she'd met.. ahh.. they were still caring. Still trustfull.. if that were so then she knew that ultimately, the fault though her own by mistake, was not enough for the harsh words given. She took heart in that and began her life anew.. Several had offered collar and words, hope, non-confusion, no lonliness.. She almost took a few right off the bat, would study the others and finaly decide that not yet.. not just yet. If she chose one willy nilly.. she'd be right back from where she started from. And what if this was not her choice? What if another took into account that they could overpower and take what was wanted? Hmm.. still.. miserable would she be, but always do her best to serve. But for now, the Winter fun wasn't over and she was standing firm, taking care of herself, making a few lovers and more then pleased with the choices had.. indeed, freedom was seeing the kitten bloom and steer down a different path. Would this continue?

The journal is brought to a close and the kittens lush frame would roll to her back, orbs skimming towards the window to count what stars could be seen. She'd open her Journal another night, when something more came along that was a profound change of life. Her life.