Legends of Belariath


Taldoran, a ruggedly built human, not seemingly tall but that is just his build that fools you into mis-guessing his actual height of close to 6'. With his hooded black cloak drawn around his body not much can be seen of him, but when he lets the hood down his Bronze tanned face is framed by a torrent of jet hair and piercingly blue eyes gaze out. A tattoo of multi-colored flames shoot up the left side of his neck appearing to move with his movements. Beneath the cloak, his normal apparel is tight leather trews of an earthy brown hue and a well-made silken shirt of brilliant white.

Taldoran has wandered through different lands for the past ten years stopping in small mountain villages to big cities never really finding a home he has felt comfortable in until comming to Nathalion.He doesn't remember much of his past or where he is from, no one knows if this is by choice or if it is due to other reasons yet unknown. He descovered as a young man of about 18 his facination for fire along with only some slight skill at manipulating it so part of his quest now is to learn these skills and hone them. He sits quietly, contemplative look taking in all the sights around him with idle insouciance, yet his trap of a mind stores all that he sees. Gentle, polite words will greet you if you address him - unless your intent is dire, then the eyes turn icy cold and you are aware of the lingering danger in gaining his ire.