Legends of Belariath


Talynn now finds himself an exile of the house Oblyx. he ponders at how the series of events that lead to this ever accured. Talynn had a twin sister who had gained promance as a cleric and was working her way up into the matrons favior and we was her sworn gaurd given his oath to protect her no matter what. he loved his sister dearly and this was his downfall. she let one of the other sisters under the matrin, who wanted him as her own, convince her that it was Kirva's wishes that she sell him into slavery. this resulted in quite an arguement between the siblings and talynn completely lost control burring his blade into his twins chest. disgusted at his lack of control he accepted his exile willingly and left the nethergloom for the surface.

Tal made his way to Nanthalion where he made his new home living undisturbed for a wile before someone tryed his pacience again almost making him loose that control again. a feline in the inn pushed him to that point but he proved to be tomuch for the dark elf alone and took him as a merchant slave where he was trained in tending in hopes to be sold to the baths, but things took a different turn and he was let loose after he served the time in the collar. Tal went back to being reclucive untill he met Nathanial who softened his heart. he easly fell in love with the torian thinking that nothing be better. Wile he sat at the bar one day a moriel woman picked him out of the crowd.. somthing about her was different and after just a few short evenings he went into willing servitude to her.. when he came back to tell nath he became angry and left with out a word and has sent no word sence. so Tal started his new life with Lei. things have been up and down with Lei sence the start. her other slaves have been nothing but a thorn in his side, but for her he suffers through.