Legends of Belariath


Thia grew up in a harsh world where the stong survived and fought to protect the weak. The people were as mysterious as the land they lived in, where nobels ruled in place of a king and the knights kept the peace between the people, and protected them from intruders and monsters that would feed on their freedom.

Thia was not born a native to Nanthillion, but a child of the untamed and rebellious Valencia. Her parents, a noble lord and lady through generations of Valencians, brought Thia up to be a proper woman of the realm, however she had plans of her own and longed to follow in the footsteps of her older brother and become a knight, a protector in shining armor on horse back...but girls could not pick up the sword...it was forbidden and she was destined to sit, doing womans work with her knitting and stitches.

But Thia had her own plans, and she knew, from the words of her brother, that a girl could change her stars and make her own destiny. When the young lady turned of age, she plated her hair, bound her breasts and doned the armor her brother had left behind, enlisting as a knight under the realm of the silver rose knights in the guise of a young boy, Thia practiced and honed her skills as a knight, riding, sword play, fighting hand to hand combat and she excelled, moving up the ranks and was knighted protector of the realm, all the while none knew the true secret that the fire haired rose was, in truth, a girl

Thia was 18 years of age when it all fell apart. A misplaced step in battle cost her a life threatning wound from a poisoned blade raking down the length of her back, shredding armor and skin alike. The valuable knight was wisked away to the healers where her secret was revealed and reported to the noble, ruleing lord. Thia was arrested under the charge of high treason against the crown. Her parents were lucky enough to have been long deceased before the trial, but her brother was brought before the court and charged as an accessory to the treason. He was sentenced to death.

Thia was held in chains and sentenced to a life time of slavery under the rose lord, and he was not a kind master. Abusive, drunk and angry, the lord did all he could to make the former knights life hell with daily beatings and the most vial of things. After several weeks, the woman could not take anymore...she was a knight no matter what they said and planned her escape. On one stormy night, Thia made her move and fought back during a whipping, using her training to best her master...her plan had been to simply escape...but as most plans tend to do, things did not go well and she found herself kneeling over the man, with his own sword thrust though his chest.

With blood on her hands, Thia stole away to the barrecks, donned her armor and rescued her horse from the stable, where she galloped through the night and crossed the border into Nanthilion, escaping her life become a nightmare, and starting a new life as a knight in Nanthilion.

Much has happened since her escape, and Thia has grown into a beautiful 21 year old woman, a fierce warrior and advocate for freedom and anti slavery. She has made few friends and many enemies along her way. A rebellious, firery woman, Thia recently found herself fighting battles much bigger then she could ever imagine. The fighting took its tole on her and she was wounded badly...waking up, alone, in a quiet healers tent, the lady knight could only vaguly remember how she got there...oh what had happened, her mind was blank with only her name, what she was and her stallions name to go by...will Thia ever regain her memory as the page turns to the next chapter of her life?