Legends of Belariath


For much of her life, Vilaria was alone, other than the scornful remarks from her mother. She came from a matron of the Mze`Lkula house, not exactly powerful, but known of. She from birth was considered rather high on the food chain of power, and was usually treated as such.

Like most young people she became rebellious of her mother, whomb disliked her greatly for even having to have carried the child, and given birth to her. Vilaria was known for being very proper in public, but had horrible fits of rage and anger in private. Many knew as her a moriel not unlike there goddess, Kirva, she was insane.

As she grew up her mother hated her more and more, but could never bring herself to actually do harm to the girl that was growing up nicely. Vilaria filled out with plump breasts, wide hips, and a sharp, but soft face. Her legs were that of a dancer's but her body was conditioned for combat, strong, fast, and her mind was decisive.

One day, she was approached by a male in her training grounds, when she was alone. He simply stated " i can teach you more than what your mother wants you to... things of the goddess " the man was a follower of Kirva, but also an outcast, he was a torture artist, saught out even while outcast. He was a man of brilliant master peices, and his hands were tools of pain.

Everyday that she was alone in the training grounds, her new teacher, and master explained, showed, and encouraged the torture of others. This man turned Vilaria into an artist of pain, these secret tools were used more for joy, the girl was a cruel being. This teacher taught her everything there had to be about pain, and Vilaria accepted it all, even being tortured herself.

Now she resides on the surface, hunting for being to torture, new levels of pain, and new hights of joy. Screams of agony are an aphrodesiac for the girl, blood was an erotic sight, fear was an emotion she consumed with little urging. If she had her way, many would fall prey to her whims, and not die, but be kept alive to feel that pain day after day after day.