Legends of Belariath


He sighed softly his wings gently flapping, circulating the air in the dusty library. Gentle hands closed the accounting book he had just finished balancing. Another sigh parted pale lips as he opened a new book. This one was blank, a slight pause before hand guided quill to write. Flowing cursive of inky letters as heart would spill forth upon the page.

"I got them back, I got everything back but by the gods I sometimes wish I had never opened the box that locked my mind away. Memories once lost, now they flood my mind with those horrific scenes. I remember it all now, how the arrows rained from the sky killing droves of my people before the mercenaries came in." He sighed softly dipping the quill in the ink pot.

"They killed the men, the infirm and elderly, they captured us children and all the women. They stripped and raped them all, right in front of us, we the weak children unable to save our mothers. Their leader forced them all to service him with their lips. My mother I remember her defiant act, she severed his manhood, shamed him and for that they decapitated her. With her death my voice fled me." He pauses in his writing sighing softly at the remembered nightmare.

"After that we were sold into slaverey, there was weeks of travel. I was given for a few copper to a female bard, she taught me to play. Taught me to write, read and count. Then when I was older she taught me to please, to give of myself and to be given too. I will not say it was bad but it was not my choice of life. We traveled together for a long time, then again mercenaries entered my life. Killed her but I killed them." He trembled in remembered sadness.

"I did the right thing, I carry her with me always now, my mistress and heart. A proper thing I do for her, forever play music upon her. Then came Nanthalion, I stumbled into the empire. It was strange I was alone and had nothing, Gali welcomed me into his Inn I serve there. It is a start of new beginnings for me, my life to live. Yet a debt I owe another, it shall be paid..." He sighed closeing the book and tucking it away before going back to work upon the other books. It would not do to make Tamryn angry.