Legends of Belariath


Windflower is a high human from the province of Dyrn. She is a third generation healer but do to father belief that women should not be healers wasnt trained in the arts of healing, Instead was taught how to make a home and person comfortable and happy. She did love her parents even with her fathers prejuidce. and wasnt not thinking of leaving the city of her birth until a second son of a noble birth took a intrest her. This wasn't a unusaul occurence in high humans kingdoms but this paticular noble son had a brutal sadistic reputaion, also with fact the lovers he seemed to choose disapeared without a trace.Windflower spent many hours at the temple of goddess Leitia seeking guiadance finally she reach a decission to leave when the noble son brought pressure to bear on her father. She knowing her father pride and his sense of duty to his family would make it impossible for to him do anything but challenge noble son to a duel and even if he did win the duel he would be hunted down for a commoner killing a noble.One night in wee morning hours windflower gathered her few belongings and one last visit to Leitia temples to seek the goddess blessing she took her to the roads.The trip on road to Nathain toughened her up from her peacefull life in the city to hide from many as she could and to apply the few things she did learn about healing in pratice manly on herself to cure the wounds and brusies from the hard trip on road. Her finding of Nathian was in it way a mistake she was running from group of men when she stumbled on the road to the Lonely Inn and tired of the life on the road and it hardship she decide to stay and live there.