Legends of Belariath


Combat Dice

What this command allows you to do is to get Desdaemona to roll two dice on your behalf and add together the results, instead of manually using two !r 1dnn commands, waiting for both answers and then adding them up yourself. Why might you wish to do this? Well, some people have items or abilities that modify their Stats, so instead of coping with rolling each Stat separately, then adding them up, adding in weapon or armor bonus and announcing the final result, Desdaemona will do all that for you. We also have such things as rolls for Thief skills, based on Stats which you would normally have to roll out in separate commands.

So, it can be used for combat and spell casting die rolls, when your Stats are changed by spell, enchantment or item. It can also be used by people running Quests for their creature attacks and defences.

To make things easier for players, instead of using straight numbers (like 65 or 12) you can use an abbreviation of the Stat(s) involved. So, instead of thinking, drat what is my Str and Agi again?, you can use str and agi instead of the numbers, asking Desdaemona to look up your character and make use of your Stats for you

If it happens that you have something that alters the values of a Stat for the purpose of the roll, such a having cast a Graceful Leap spell (that increases Agi) you can use agi+3, telling Desdaemona to obtain your Agi Stat value, add 3 to it (for the effect of the spell that you have cast) and use that final value for the random roll.

As there are times that what you want is the total of two random numbers (normally based around Stats) added together, then have a final modifier added in (such as the ATK rating of a weapons or the number of spell slots used) you can also specify such a modifier (just as you can with the !clophytk, !ranmagdef, etc., commands).

Finally, as what you get is 'just' the result printed out, you can add in a comment explaining what you are rolling for. Quest runners and players may find this useful (see the final example below).

Quick Reference:
  • !combatdice <stat1> <stat2> [+/-#] [comment or reason]
    Performs a Combat Roll on behalf of the character, based on the specified stat1 and stat2 values (which can also be 3-letter abbreviations of the stats: str, int, agi or res) - [+/-#] denotes an optional modifier and [comment or reason] is an optional string explaining the reason for the roll. If you use the Stat abbreviations you may also add an optional, per Stat, modifier, e.g.: str+4 (note there is no space)

Technical Explanation

Feel free to ignore this part...

!combatdice num1|stat1[+|-mod1] num2|stat2[+|-mod2] [+|-mod3] [comment text]
That is the 'formal' syntax for the command, but what does it all mean?

Ok, from left to right ...

  • !combatdice - this is the command itself and is needed!
  • num1|stat1[+|-mod1] - a parameter to the command, this is also needed, and can take two forms (as shown by the 1st |), either num1, which refers to a number OR stat1[+|-mod1], which refers to an abbreviation of one of the Stats (str, int, agi or res) with an OPTIONAL (as denoted by the [ and ]) modifier to the value of the stat which is either (as denoted by the | between the + and -) a positive or negative number.
  • num2|stat2[+|-mod2] - a parameter to the command, this is also needed, and is of the same format as the previous parameter, the only proviso being tha the stat abbreviation, if used in both, must be different.
  • [+|-mod3] - an OPTIONAL parameter (as denoted by the [ and ]) for an overall modifier to the roll, which cane be either negative or positive.
  • [comment text] - an OPTIONAL parameter which can be used to explain the reason for the roll.


Eyes glazed over yet? A few examples will help ...

Each example will show the command, explain what will happen, show the generated output, and follow that with matching the input to the parameters detailed above (you can safely ignore that part!)

!combatdice 12 34
This will produce two random numbers, one from between 1 and 12, inclusive, the other from between 1 and 34, inclusive, add them together and show the result:
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d12)11 + (d34)19 +modifier 0 = 30
[+|-mod3] - not specified (and thus defaults to 0)
[comment text] not specified (and thus defaults to 'unspecified')

!combatdice 12 34 +5
As above, but will also add the modifier to the result:
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes an unspecified Dice roll for (d12)11 + (d34)32 +modifier +5 = 48
[comment text] not specified (and thus defaults to 'unspecified')

!combatdice 12 34 Tickling of sabina
As the first example, but showing in the printed result the reason quoted:
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a Tickling of sabina Dice roll for (d12)12 + (d34)4 +modifier 0 = 16
[+|-mod3] - not specified (and thus defaults to 0)
[comment text]=Tickling of sabina

!combatdice 12 34 +5 Tickling of sabina
As the second example, but with the addition of the comment:
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a Tickling of sabina Dice roll for (d12)3 + (d34)25 +modifier +5 = 33
[comment text]=Tickling of sabina

All the above examples used just numbers (referred to in the syntax as num1 and num2). Now we will start to use some allowed variations an also start to use 'real life' examples to try and make things clearer:

!combatdice agi 34 +5 Tickling of sabina
This will obtain the value of the character's agi and produce a random number between 1 and the returned value, inclusive, and another random number between 1 and 34, inclusive, add the numbers together and add 5 to the result:
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a Tickling of sabina Dice roll for (d121)94 + (d34)24 +modifier +5 = 123
[comment text]=Tickling of sabina

!combatdice str agi +3 close physical attack
This will duplicate the effects of a !clophyatk +3, and attack with, for example, an unenchanted longsword:
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a close physical attack Dice roll for (d93)67 + (d121)47 +modifier +3 = 117
[comment text]=close physical attack

!combatdice int+15 res+2 +10 ranged magical attack
This performs a ranged magical attack for an Air Mage casting a 10 slot spell (the overall +10 modifier) from the Air Sphere (they get a +15 Int when doing this), whilst they are wearing a Robe of the Arch Magi (which gives a +2 to Res):
Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a ranged magical attack Dice roll for (d140)34 + (d129)22 +modifier +10 = 66
stat1[+|-mod1]=int+15 (if Int is 125, then the random number will be from 1 to 140 (125+15), inclusive)
stat2[+|-mod2]=res+2 (if Res is 127, then the random number will be from 1 to 129 (127+2), inclusive)
[comment text]=ranged magical attack

And finally, during a Quest run where several creatures are in combat with a few characters, this may be of use:

!combatdice 23 19 +3 Ogre 2 swinging sword at player Fred
<Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) makes a Ogre 2 swinging sword at player Fred Dice roll for (d23)23 + (d19)2 +modifier +3 = 28

I hope this makes things clearer, along with giving concrete examples of how and why you may want to make use of the command.