The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

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The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Naomh on Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:28 pm

All across the empire, from Virelith to Dethsiris, strange happenings began to occur that ended with a firm strike of disaster over the continent.

It all started small but swiftly became terrifying. Strange magical waves moving through the air, unseen, unheard, but felt. Then the sky suddenly vanished. No sun, the moons unseen, and while there was SOMETHING twinkling high above it was soon clear it was not the stars. Those in Dethsiris would see an almost blindingly bright light nearby and the air crackle and snap with magical energies.

Then suddenly, WHOOMPH! A great force swept through, striking the majority of all those who lived within, severely injuring if not outright killing many while the more resilient were just thrown to the ground. Those few who have experienced a similar force would liken the impact to a fireball without the fire, just the wall of force that leads the flame.

This force did not just strike the people however, flora, fauna, earth and structures would have experienced it as well. Glass windows would be shattered and lighter wooden frames would be cracked, trees sway, with limbs and branches breaking and cracking. While devastation would be an exaggeration just about the entire continent has taken some form of damage.

Once the dust has settled, people scrambled to figure out what happened, what was going on, where the sky had gone. Is it an attack? Have the gods been angered? The end times?

Meanwhile in Valencia, a bridge of strange stone glittered and gleamed, crossing a previously unspanned piece of river. Rumour is that it just appeared and fell from the sky, settling itself into the earth to span the river. It does not take long for this story to spread through the mountain region, but with everyone reeling from the disaster it will take a little while before word will spread beyond. And besides, strange as it may be, what is a stone bridge from the sky compared to the sky itself being missing?


Only a small handful know of what happened, but even they don't know what exactly is going on. While more details may come as this is tied with shennanigans planned up by L`aquera (the player), this is what is known so far, and some suggestions and ideas I would recommend for people.

While participation in this event is not required, this is an empire-wide event and one must have their characters at least recognize that this has occurred.

Across the entirety of the empire, a 36-life damaging pulse tore through the air. There is no 'was in a remote corner of the empire' for this, the entirety of the continent and, presumably, a few miles out into the sea at least, took this whoomph.
  • This impact did not just strike people, but also structures, plants... pretty much everything took the hit.
  • DEATH for those who would go to 0 life or lower from this impact is OPTIONAL. Should you so desire you can have your character just badly injured, knocked out, etc... A possible handwave that can work is that they were sheltered from the worst of the impact by being deep inside a building, underground, etc... Alternatively, they took a lethal blow, but were able to get healed, by potion or by magic, as they were dying but not yet dead. Just spitballing some ideas here. Whether you character(s) dies or not is up to you, as is the story of their survival.
  • While it's 36 damage across the empire, there is the most structural damage in Dethsiris.
  • Again, this is a continent-wide event, but from my own personal thoughts and inference with what tidbits I know of the happenings, Virelith would be the least damaged region, and possibly another survivor source for those who want to take part in but don't want character death.

The sky is missing! No stars, no moons, no sun. Just some sort of strange twinkling in the sky.
  • Until there's further information, I would say presume there's dim natural levels of lighting, as if late twilight or during a total solar eclipse.

The empire is scrambling to do what it can.
  • The REB has stated that there will be some assistance with damages to home and property: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=25041
  • Costs of rezzing will be covered by the empire, I opened up a thread for easy reference in case many people wish to go the deadeded route: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=25042

Things will be updated should more information come. As of right now this event is -ACTIVE-, and remember, even if you want your characters to be OK from the WHOOMPH:

The sky is missing.

Be a good cause for worry and concern for everyone.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Naomh on Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:56 pm


The port is scrambling to pull itself back together, with damaged ships filling the harbor and enough injured that the dead are left in their vessels, living taking priority. Things are in a borderline panic, as while the world is filled with god-fearing people few are more superstitious and god-fearing than the sailors that fill the town. Patience is thin and people are on edge, but the Lord and Lady of the region were quick to scramble and get things in order. Aid is being rendered, guards, injured they may be, are patrolling the town to make certain order is obtained. Lord Ray`el Oblyx seems to be spotted several places at once directing and aiding and Lady Naomh Oblyx would be wading through the worst of the damage, a rock in the storm for people to cling to for aid and rendering what direct aid she can.



The tower is now a bustle of activity. The headmistress arrived early, limping and in an exhausted state but immediately started ordering people to look into the event, as well as sending a group to scout out any further abnormalities within the empire, with a focus in Dethsiris and Valencia. Shortly after she vanished into the basement among the phoenix stones kept below, with words traveling up and around for specific books to be delivered for her research. It would seem that the headmistress knows something about what was going on, but what exactly and to what extent is anyone's guess.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby DiasEesha on Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:54 pm


The city and the surrounding buildings such as the arena and the inn have been put into what could be considered a state of emergency. With those surviving and able [at player discretion for pcs] employed into teams to take stock, render aid, and moving the wounded or worse to the appropriate locations. Aid stations have been planned and are being fitted as needed at the following locations; First of course, the Healers Hall has been given additional manpower and resources. The inn due to its location and high density of population is being fitted with an internal aid station on the stage area, and a second smaller field station on the porch for less intense care. The Arena is intended to be used for sleeping and a soup kitchen for those that have been displaced, and for those that are working the aid stations to keep them in closer proximity to them. Patrols have been supplied from the veteran core of HoDW to bolster and aid the remaining IG patrols. [I personally will not assume for others though I am certain the nearby houses have also rendered aid. This post reflects the actions taken by the Lady of HoDW and hir plans feel free to add in.]
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby CallieO on Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:47 pm


Callista's Vulpine Cuisine has been leveled by the destruction. The basement, used for storage and as an emergency fire escape, is undamaged, as is the tunnel connecting it to an adjacent street. Callie Volopa was flying home at the time the Sky Fell Down, and took a tumble, but she's relatively unhurt. She's donating what's left of her food supply to the Arena for help with the soup kitchen, and is dedicating her time to feeding those hurt and displaced by the event.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Angst on Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:11 pm

Angst - Body Arts - CoDL

The damage had been done. The Villa, though severely damaged, was still standing. The Necromancer, Angst, after tending to herself and her own people, would begin gathering supplies from her fields. Fruits, wines, juices, and alcohols are all loaded up. Anything that she was usable was put on the ship and the sails repaired and hoisted. After a stop at her island for more fruits and tapping into her own food and medical stores, she and hers make for the main land to assist the people and provide aid as needed. The Body Arts is selected as the main hub for the Necromancer. Areas are cleaned and prepared for triage purposes and supplies set for that purpose. The temple is prepared next, and resurrection materials laid out and ready to perform resurrections at the Cave of Dwindling Light. Angst is ready to help the healers with surgical procedures, first aid, and triage of patients. She is also prepared to perform resurrections. If any other assistance is needed one need only speak with Lady Death. Such is put on display as she sets her minions out on the streets holding baskets of food and the signs about their neck that read where to go for her assistance.


After getting pretty mangled herself, the little Fae patches herself up the best she can. One wing in tatters, she binds it to her back before donning her healing satchel. With Baroo and her critters in tow, Anya seeks out those who are hurt to heal and regrow limbs if need be.

Nixxle - Arena

Fucking Magic. Anger bubbles from the Gobliness as she's suddenly sent reeling. Of course, she was already wounded, and this didn't help that any. Once she tends to her wounds, she sets out to the Arena to check on it. Setting her goblins to work, she opens the healing pits and ensures they are well stocked. Cots are set up in the bowels of the Arena for people who needed a place to sleep and rest after getting fixed up. "Fucking Mages." She grumbles as some of the critters are left dead. Nothing was wasted, however, as she has her people carve up the beasts and prepare them for food for those who come to the Arena for assistance and aide. The flags for Haac Draar are lowered within the Arena to show that she is willing to pull her band together to help those in need. After all... it's not fun if they're already broken. Furs and blankets are pulled in from the Goblins castle, and the hunters are out foraging and hunting to bring in more meat and food stuffs to the Arena
Angst, Anisa|VRK|, Latanya|STB|, Kacela, Inara{Chris}, Taini, Nixxle, Lilly{FRST}, Jilaiya, Jace, Kai, Tirnel, Esme{DVK}, Samina, Samiya{Mal}, Leila, Talen.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Wadeywade on Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:49 pm

Virelith and Lightning Rod Distillery:

Well, assessing the damage was pretty straight forward; since nothing was in operation luckily the wreckage was just that: wreckage. one still had collapsed and alot of the pipes had broken, had the doors not been open the building would have born the brunt but instead, the stills were now a tangled mashed up mess. Since the barrels were underground they too had survived though some casks has cracked and were leaking.
Wade slipped from
place to place through the limited carnage in his silvery dust-form, the only way he could pass from tgeough one door of the building and out the other. The damage could be fixed, and just when you thought it could be saved; Wade assessed the crops. every last one has been blasted flat and, on Naomis' island nothing had survived. Wade went south and the further he went, the worse things got.
He only hoped he would find Lay and Shashir somewhat intact.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby CallieO on Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:08 pm


A big boom. The taste of blood. The feeling of a heavy wooden desk pressing down on her chest. Tennibrook Balmossie, Warmaster of Dethsiris, couldn't remember what she was doing when the Cataclysm occurred, but she was found in her office on the third floor of the castle, about 20 minutes after it occurred. Adarok Rowell was in Dethsiris at the time, and all he could think about was getting to his dear friend Tennibrook.

He pulled the desk from her brutalized, but still alive, form, and lifted her into his arms. As the blood fell out of her eyes, Tenni thought she was seeing her father, deceased several years ago, before she came to the empire. Adarok looked around and found a healer from the Great Dome, named Meredith, to take her to a nearby triage area. Tennibrook was prepped for immediate surgery to stem the internal bleeding.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby alexis on Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:20 pm

Dethsiris: The Temple of Gaea

The ancient Gaean temple in Dethsiris stood as a testament to the ravages of time and still it remained intact.Though nothing like this had ever hit the temple complex before. The first waves had made the temple shake. The great tree within swaying against the sides of its chamber. Knocking loose a few stones. But the temple itself had remained as it always had. Strong....resilient.
The nymph had been outside tending to the plants around the temple when the first waves hit. Their impact knocking Lexi to the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of her. Once she had regained her breath she was able to get up. She ushered the acolytes milling about...mostly her own sisters... back into the temple for their own safety.
She had moved into the chamber to check on the tree. Heading down into the chamber with it. One hand sliding along the bark as she called out to Gaea. Wanting to know what was going on. But the Great Mother was silent. No answers were given. No responses came.
Seconds before the second wave hit came a two word response from the Goddess herself...."Get out!" echoing off the walls within the chamber. The nymph had just reached the bottom of the chamber when she heard her Mothers voice. She turned to move back up the stairs but it was too late.
The second wave was much more powerful. Knocking more stones loose from the temple walls. Creating a large crack within it. Branches from the tree snapped off like twigs and rained down into the chamber with the nymph. She scrambled to get as close to the tree as she could to avoid any debris. But a large branch caught her. Slamming into her and knocking her to the ground. Pinning her beneath it for a time before help could arrive.
She was alive but hurt.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Cangelosi on Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:44 pm


All he remembered was a thump, and then the sudden, familiar crack of stone. As he stepped out from the entrance of the keep, he blinked, rubbing his eyes, gazing at the riverside wall of the fortress had collapsed. A good half-section of stone and mortar, was just pulverised. The two guards that had been patrolling atop it seconds ago had rode down with the rubble, half-buried and bewildered. Others reported being knocked off their feet, slammed against the outer wall, just...flung like toys across the grounds. There were only a few who escaped any sort of injury.

A check to the Estate reported other than a sudden jolt and the shattering of windows, no damage had come to DragonRose. Even so, there were sections of the forest that were pushed flat, a few brush fires starting from the recently-purchased plot across from DragonRose left by the guiding torches of the surveyors.

The noble, more annoyed than frightened by this sudden cataclysm, began the long process of sending out for information on the territory around, not guessing that this had been an empire-wide catastrophe. Still, as more word traveled in, the annoyance started to give way to exasperation...and then...


"It's not there! There's nothing left!"

Morgan was hunched over his maps in the study of DragonRose as Humphrey, his minotaur butler, stepped in. The brute was gripping tightly at a wide-eyed bruised human in the garb of a hedge wizard.

"What the nine hells is this?" Morgan replied, without looking up.

Humphrey looked apologetic. "Thousand apologies, Viceroy, but the scouts found this gentleman running on the Northeast Route from Lake Eld...he's been talking like this ever since he..."

"No! NO!" the man shouted. "Don't apologize! STOP apologizing! No time! Don't you understand? It's gone now! It's gone!"

The viceroy slowly raised his head to gaze at the figure. Those eyes narrowed. "What is gone?"

The butler stepped back, letting go of the mage. Morgan was slowly recognizing the moriel tattoo of servitude over the human's face, the shock of silver hair, that sickly pale pallor. The dragoon balled his fist, slamming it on the table.

"ARNOCH!" Morgan shouted, glaring daggers. "WHAT. IS. GONE?"

"The Lake Eld Settlements, " Arnoch finally replied. "All but two...they're...gone."

"Gone? Destroyed?"

"No. NO. Gone. Off the face of the land..." Arnoch drew the flat of his palm along the table. "As if they never existed. Lake Eld and Bathgate still stand thanks to the forest, but...the others..."

Morgan seethed, looking down at his map, at the five marked areas along the Northeast Route. "There were five hundred souls each of those least..."

Arnoch seemed to calm, taking drawn breaths. "There's nothing there now."

Like lightning, Morgan snapped a hand around Arnoch's throat, squeezing. Humphrey, alarmed, quickly rushed between the humans, trying to tear his master away from the messenger.

"I swear on the life of this household, Arnoch Bretail," Morgan snarled. "if you had anything to do with this...ANYTHING at all..."

The mage gasped like a fish out of water. "Ghnn...don't fl-latter me...I am in n-no condition for anything of this magnitude." Arnoch yanked himself out of Morgan's grasp, restraightening his robe. "Not...anymore, anyway."

It took a while for Morgan to calm down, picking up a snifter of brandy, pouring it into a glass. "Lady Miyuka's at Unigo. She might need your help." The viceroy then looked up to Humphrey. "See that he takes the texts she requested over as well."

The minotaur nodded, putting a hand on Arnoch's shoulder, tugging him out.

Morgan gave a sarcastic laugh to himself. Maybe this will get those fuckers in court to look North for once.
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Naomi on Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:28 am

VIRELITH and beyond

Naomi's first loyalty was to Virelith and Stormwind. Once things had been more or less taken care of buildings were being checked and healers were busy. Some had died. Some had lived. Naomi however had also pledged herself to the service of the Empire as a Rezzer. She sent out notice to any who needed it could seek her out for their loved ones to be rezzed.

OOC: send a fae to me or pm me in channel. if i am werking i will replay to you asap
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Ithilwen on Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:38 am


Ithilwen stood at the window to her office looking up at what should of been the sky. There was nothing there now the half elf could feel the unnatural nature of it all. Every sylvan part of her body was telling her this was all unnatural. There was knock on her office door, before the door opened and one of the servants stepped into the room. Ithilwen's eyes kept watch on the male as he approached her desk with a letter. Taking the letter she opened it and began to read it. "I was afraid this might happen once people started to calm down. My suggestion for now is magical induced sleep, but run that by the healers before implementing it into action." Ithilwen had all ready been written a response to the situation. Handing the letter to the servant, Ithilwen watched as they left before pulling out another piece of parchment.

To my fellow Sancheal,

I am unaware of the situation in the other houses at the moment. At the moment thallis has been his by what can only be considered a magical shock wave. Its origin source is still unknown to us, and we do not know how far reaching it is. At current thallis is in a state of recovery, healing the injured and preparing the dead for resurrection. Local guards are also assisting in the security with the imperial guard. Debri is also being cleaned from the streets. My greater concern is that the sky is missing. I am unaware of the circumstances or if this is wide spread, but if so then there is a bigger issue at hand. This means the natural cycle of things is going to be disrupted for possibly a rather long time. With out the sun and moons people and animals sense of time is going to be thrown off. I speculate crops will not grow either, which might lead to long term food shortages once reserve stock is used. I do have some idea's on how to combat some of these issues.

The first is to have any street lanterns enchanted with dawn's early light. While this is a pour substitute for the actual sun, it can help with people's orientation to time of day and night. It might also help to have a bell ring every hour on the hour to help with the telling of time. You may need to speak with your healers about using sleep magic, along with other means to help your residents sleep. Secondly it might be prudent to have any druids under your employ help with farming. I do not know how magically grown food taste like, but it is probably a better alternative to running out of food in the long term. I hope theses suggestions help.

Ithilwen Moonshadow, Head Maid of Thallis.

P.S. any information on what is going on with the missing sky, or origins of the magical blast would be appreciated.

Ithilwen sighed to herself putting the original to the side, and starting the process of writing gods knew how many more of the same letter. The letters were then put into envelops sealed with hot wax and the crest of thallis. Each letter addressed to her counterparts in the other houses. With them handed over to the mail fae to deliver. All ithilwen could do now was wait for any reply's she might get.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Ray`el on Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:49 pm


The Port in chaos. the Lord was at the Ports using his potent magics to lift ships from the floor bed and save those trapped in them, or collect the bodies. To heal the ships with his Naval magics. the moriel furious. His eyes had stayed Blood swan mood red for days, yet none had been hurt or snapped at. the anger deeper in him. He had not even snapped at anyone. but he gave off this anger and eyes so red.. he was going find the one who hurt his people and this was not going be pretty.

The Moriel was not holding back for the first time in a few years. Letting the fact he could be more than half a dozen places at once and still have magic show. A Huge wolven man was lifting more rubble out of the way of one of his peoples homes leading the efforts of the search and rescue.. His eyes glowed. His people, his wives.. his Honor needed him. Another few walking around listening.. helping as needed. One was shaped into a hawk, using his eyes to find people. the Man became a man possessed using ever trick in his arsenal to save the people of Thallis. He was living off coffee potions and pure anger at this point.. only doing what was needing to live and having barely slept. Never unless he knew someone took over one the search roles.

He let Ithilwen handle the Paperwork and Communications in his name. He trusted her, his wife. He let Naomh be the rock.. that was what she was.. the Rock of Thallis. To him and his people. anyone not hurt, was expected to help. Heal, fix, rebuild something.. and the lord even promised his people to help them prepare for the winter once the rebuilding was done.

Any one of his people found dead, he placed to the side.. No matter if they worked at the castle or the keep. He would take care of them.. and those connected to them as much as he could. sailors, villagers. his town was hurt and he would heal it.. Not just for efficiency but because as Naomh had been teaching him.. they were his responsibility.

In the Back of his Mind Shevar whispered this was going be bloody. and the moriel knew it. but for Now.. All he could do was heal the world around him.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Elthorion on Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:26 pm

Elthorion -
The initial affair felt like some kind of weird moment of intense sickness. It knocked him into his seat for a moment before recovering... then looking out one of the windows and seeing the sky.. missing?

Moving through Kinslayer keep, the scene was grim. Many of the staff lay dead.. they were not trained warriors or wizards.. most were just moriel who needed a job, or who owed him a debt.. normal people. At least half of the population of the keep was dead. The other half, not doing well. A scant few of the hardier members were able to begin the recovery effort. Any house healers that were able, assisted. The grim task of beginning to handle the corpses as well as the corpses of livestock was overseen by the Lord.

Those who could be resurrected were sent to the temples and healing houses, but he knew fully well that house staff was low on the list. He did not expect to see those people back anytime soon.

He began organizing those who were hale enough to Venture to the Nethergloom to see if the underground was effected, or if this was just a surface problem. With his scouting parties, he sent a very large sum of MHL for them to bring back as much livestock, food, and supplies a they could.

He got to work distributing flyers:

Kinslayer Keep is standing and will be receiving a large influx of supplies. Any who are in need of supplies is free to visit. Until further notice, Kinslayer keep is a sanctuary and refuge for those displaced until the rebuilding and recovery effort bears fruit. Any who come are under My protection and Hospitality, and violating this during this time of great need will be met with swift retribution.

Any character who needs help or supplies is welcome to seek refuge in Kinslayer keep. Elth is putting about 25000 mhl into an expedition to the nethergloom to return with supplies, so once we figure out what, if any, repercussions wrre felt underground, we shoudl be able to start supplying anything. If someone want to take advantage of this Hospitality, hit me up on IRC or PM me here.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:53 pm

The warmatron Ronja has built her keep to resists a plethora of different assaults and dangers.... Rounded corners and thick walls made the blast relatively harmless to the structure itself though their original intent was to defend from seige engines and trebuchets... Her ranch was leveld how ever and many of her horses and those who tended to them have perished... close to all but the ones in the keeps courtyard stable.
The keep on the hill stands though windows have been boarded up. Its stocks of food are full and theres pleanty of room for those that need a place to stay. The doors will be open to friends of the mapleshield household and house verkot if its needed.
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Re: The day the sky went WHOOMPH!

Postby L`aquera on Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:40 am

The Palace;

Several of the walls were cracked in the East wing, including the Empresses precious library. Her own playroom and one of her only Concubines around whom had been found dead.

The guards, once a thriving number, had been cut in half.

She'd been precariously busy and fuming and not exactly fun to be around but thankfully this diminutive bitch is quite efficient and soon walls were being rebuilt, healers employed by the Palace had healed the guards and quite a few would be awaiting a rez.

The grounds are still being cleared, farming lands owned by the Empire have been checked, reports noted that at least 10% of the livestock and planted vegetables to the crop of corn weren't decimated but certainly they'd taken a toll.

This disaster could have been prevented. Should have been. It had all gone wrong from start to finish. She'd sent out word that the Empire itself would cover the costs of healing and Rezzing. If anyone was hungry, they'd set up several large tents to help those in need with both supplies and food. The stores they had, had been opened and would be replenished. She'd had men retrieve fresh fruit from her tropical Island so there was a large supply of bananas, pineapple, fresh fish, crab and lobster to oranges, lemons and sugarcane to coconuts and wild berries.

While the damage seemed vast it was simply wide spread though the body count was rising and she hoped by the end of the third day, that would be ended.

No Mephos nor Bird will go above and into the strange glowing mist above them. Not one, 35 feet above was clear and those that had forced the issue by flying into it, hadn't been seen for nearly a day only to be reported miles away. They had been lost the moment they'd entered, become disorientated and finally thought to let gravity pull them down rather then fight to find a direction.

It was time to perhaps meet the people now that all of the work in the Palace was mainly taken care of. So to the Inn she'd go. Hopefully someone from the Towers would know something about the Sky, that.. itself was strangely still a mystery.
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