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Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 7:29 pm
by CallieO
I think it would take about an hour for 12 people to all have one turn, so splitting the group up into two groups of six, or three groups of 4, is more logical. I'd like to be in as many groups as possible.

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 11:37 pm
by Tawny
Droyn will go with as many as he can. Depends on time and day of week for me the player.

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2021 1:43 am
by Aeoles
The timing ideas are going to be Weekends the best we can do, the exact date is yet to be determined, we can also do this during the week after 5pm CST

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2021 6:34 am
by Odette
I think as the group is big, splitting might be a good idea.

As I have a different timzezone then most of you as I'm from Europe, I think it would be better if you just pick a date and time and I see if I can join. :)

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2021 5:49 pm
by Sha`Ruse
Varis wishes to be part to be in as many different groups as possible.

I believe we should cut this down to several day expedition, and at different time's, if able, so people can attend at different times.

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2021 12:25 am
by Aeoles
Ok, we have decided to do at least two groups, maybe three or four. Next is to decide the dates to do this, everything will be done in CST, as that is where I am located, and my brain can't grasp other time zones very effectivly.

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:22 am
by Sarmani
I can do whatever groups i am available for.

My availability is historically bad so whatever. I'm also working temp work all month, so that might be a problem, but later is better. Or earlier.

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:55 pm
by Aeoles
I have decided, the beginning of the Expedition will be on the 19th at around 1330 CST. We will go for as long as we are able to, and end for the day, only to pick back up with the second party on Sunday the 20th. If these times do not work for those who are available let me know and we will work with your schedule.

Re: SL: Dethsiris Expedition

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:51 pm
by Sarmani
Is the second one going to be rescheduled, since it didn't happen Sunday? I would like to be able to participate, if possible. Best day for me is Friday, but whenever works I'll try to make.