A New cause --Temple for Stormbringer

For making suggestions about events and storylines you would like to see happen within the roleplay. NOT for posting about existing SL's which should go into What's Happening.

Moderator: Kerianna

Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby rornok on Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:27 pm

There seemed to be a sudden surge of difficulties facing the workers of the temple, pulley's jamming, scaffolding's giving way, tools seeming to have lost their edge. The guards not having reports of any intrusions it would lead to wild rumors and speculations. Talk of curses, sabotage, even spirits. Far to many rumors to make sense of. In the end warnings would be sent out to the workers to be more cautious and that the matter was being looked into. Though no detail given on what the matter was thought to be only letting the rumors stir further

To make work a bit more entertaining, and to honor some rped events, we are going to be creating a little dice game players can use during their work logs if they so choose. Completey optional mind you.

!r 1d10

if number is 1-4 player notices a bit of minor sabotage and fixes it.
if number is 5-8 player does not notice anything but has a regular day of work
if number is 9-10, player discovers a bit of sabotage in a negative manner, either having a dull tool, a faulty pulley, or shaky scaffolding

note: sabotage would not damage or hinder the progress of the temple just be things that make working it a bit harder.
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SB Temple July Work-Logs for Ellyssa Flamewing

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:25 pm

July 12

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-12 21:12:42 - please remember this is NOT game time

Patrol tower

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-13 01:40:02 - please remember this is NOT game time

July 25

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-25 17:18:04 - please remember this is NOT game time

Found graffiti on the temple wall and cleaned it off

Ellyssa|RK|nods. "That seems sensible My Master, and I'm glad you trusted me enough to watch your back." She suddenly spreads her wings and flaps over to where a message has been scrawled on the wall with charcoal pencil. "Stohrmbrenger is jest a man an Tehya's a liyin BITCH!" Is what the graffiti says. Shaking her head distastefully, Ellyssa casts Clean and magically erases it. "I wonder who could have done this?" she asks. 12:04

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-25 19:13:54 - please remember this is NOT game time

Ellyssa|RK| July pay: 90 mhl
Relevant skills:
Time-Stamped Logs:
Session Start:

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-12 21:12:42 - please remember this is NOT game time
DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-13 01:40:02 - please remember this is NOT game time

July 25

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-25 17:18:04 - please remember this is NOT game time
DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-07-25 19:13:54 - please remember this is NOT game time

Total Hours worked: 6
Total MHL owed (6 hours X 20) = 120 + 0 for your skills is a total of = 120 mhl
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Sorgram on Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:40 am

A Letter to Tehya,

"mistres bard,

I em Jonis Fetry, a gard of yoor temple site. Las nyt a tief brok en and st..st...took sumthin of valu. Won of a set of kandelstix baring the mark of yore god. Silver. Valu 150 mhl. Shall I ordur a bountee? Da teif was 5 foot, gray skenned and elvish. she, ah saw her boobs, had silvur hare, I tink she was ah moriel, like dah Keptin of da guard es. Let me no,


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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:54 pm

Hmmm a thief what to do about that? Where were the guards she was paying a hefty salary to?

Tehya sat down to write a letter and hopefully they could read it since their writing was quite sketchy.

Indeed seek the thief out and I will give the person a bonus that captures the thief. Since they stole from me personally not the Empire I will want to punish them personally. Keep them restrained and notify me when they are apprehended. In fact ask anyone close to me where my Resort is in the forest and take them there. There are chains in the lower floor. Chain them and leave them a pail of water four feet away from where they can not reach it.

Perhaps one will see the not so pretty side of Tehya once they were restrained in her resort right next to Belson's property in the forest... that had a lovely the dungeon. :twisted:
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby rornok on Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:47 am

The wolven would not recognize the name of the guard but that seemed hardly important, now being told he had permission to hunt someone down, that caught his eye. He could leave the guarding to the others. For him it was time to get back to hunting.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Rythia on Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:19 pm

Akantha would blink, looking at the letter with very neat and proper yet flowing handwriting. It made the letter pleasant to look at, and she supposed it made it easier to read. She could read of course, it just took her half an hour to do so as she slowly said each word to herself then repeated the sentence after sentence to understand the meaning. Then she would take a step back, frowning. She certainly hadn't noticed anything while patrolling around the temple. Sure she personally doesn't know if the Emperor is a god, but she was hired to guard the temple and knows she messed up. So she resolved to be more vigilant on patrol and to check the inside of the temple more.
As for the thief, she has experience chasing down fleeing groups of bandits, not finding and catching thieves. She would shake her head a little and to focus on guarding the temple better.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby rornok on Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:22 am

The temple would continue to progress despite it's difficulties, the workers find ways around the new challenges, the thief caught and punished, things seemed to be moving along as another month ended and the temple remained standing. Rornok would sit and do that paper works seeing whom was owed what for this month. Some seeming to have taking some time off but that would be forgivable for now. Other new employees after all stepping up to take there place. He would fill out that sheet listin the hours employees had left him to be paid for hoping it was accurate

Akantha- 5 hours
Ellyssa- 6 hours
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:10 pm

Her mate called her Wildfire along with his endearing nickname Cornflower. Something set her aflame last evening when punishing the thief and she couldn't just forget it.

In regards to Roronk who she left to overlook things he was doing a fine job. There wasn't any hostility or bad feelings towards her guards that missed the thief stealing from the temple, though she hoped they would be more careful in the future.

But the mouthy bitch Mischa who stole from her was going to be watched ..even when not near the temple.

Who said Tehya didn't hold grudges, for she built her Retreat right along Belson's property line plotting her revenge, never forgetting him beating the Imperial horse and getting off lightly because of his sexual charm, though Tehya doubted he had that, and wondered how he got off so lightly.

Quickly she wrote Morgan, her mate Sorgram, and Roronk that she wanted someone inconspicuous to follow the thief Mischa and to be careful who they might choose. It would probably be done and over with if the thief didn't have such a sassy mouth while being punished...no she has not forgotten or forgiven.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Alianna on Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:07 am

July Work Logs

Date: 22 July 2014
Name: Daron`Hier

Skills: Soldier (Journeyman)
          Heraldry (Novice)

Time-Stamped Log: 2014-07-22 20:51:42
Session Ident: #tli-temple
Session End: 2014-07-23 00:54:05

Time stamped Logs: 2014-07-26 01:19:08
Session Identified: #tli-temple
Session End: 2014-07-26 06:33:16

Time Stamped: 2014-07-30 21:07:21
Session Ident: #tli-temple
Session End: 2014-07-31 01:08:51

Time Stamped: 2014-07-31 22:10:32
Session Ident: #tli-temple
Session End: 2014-08-01 01:10:32

Total Hours Worked: 16 hrs
Total MHL Owed: (Skills+Hours Worked)
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Cangelosi on Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:46 pm

*Shortly after dawn, a parchment is affixed at all of the major crossroads in Nanthalion, especially at those that lead to the temples. Messengers are sent as far as Thallis and Valencia, anywhere that the Imperial sigil is flying, some going as far as the outposts in the desert lands. It is a simple message affixed with the image of the Goddess Syune, sword in one hand, other hand upon the forehead of a curled dragon.*

To the religions and champions of the deities in the Ilfarrian Empire,

These has been tumultuous times in the past few months. We are beset upon all sides by doubt, danger, and corruption of scales unseen since the Dragon Wars. Whether it be at the hands of mortals or immortals it is not our place to say. We are the bulwarks of our people, providing them with faith needed to overcome any obstacle, and it is faith that will determine the fate of this young confederation of nations.

Plenty of you know that a temple in honor to the Emperor Stormbringer has recently been completed, even though not by his commission. There have been mumblings in the religious community, in my sect especially, that he intends to ascend to Godhood. This question is indeed pertinent in the perfect union that is our Empire, and as such, it is necessary for all our religions, as one body, meet within to determine the claims to be legitimate or not.

We urge each representative of all faiths, major and minor, to meet within the confines of the new temple before official dedication ceremonies, wherein we shall conduct debate. Refreshments shall be provided, and there will be proper security should any religious argument become physical. Be on your best behavior. The Gods are watching.

- Syune High Priestess Esel Da Corci of St. Eva

Role-play will be on Wed. August 27th at 8:00 pm EST
(OOC: post and roleplay approved by Stormbringer)
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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August Worklogs for Ellyssa Flamewing

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:59 pm

August 22

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-22 12:30:08 - please remember this is NOT game time

Patrolled the Temple met a human woman who stumbled upon the place while walking in the woods. Celia

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-22 13:55:35 - please remember this is NOT game time

August 29

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-30 03:05:25 - please remember this is NOT game time

Did patrols of the temple grounds.

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-30 05:24:18 - please remember this is NOT game time

Ellyssa|RK| August pay:
Relevant skills:

Time-Stamped Logs:
Session Start:

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-22 12:30:08 - please remember this is NOT game time
DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-22 13:55:35 - please remember this is NOT game time

DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-30 03:05:25 - please remember this is NOT game time
DesdaemonaCurrent time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2014-08-30 05:24:18 - please remember this is NOT game time

Total Hours worked: 3.5
Total MHL owed (3.5 hours X 20) = 30 + for your skills is a total of = 30 mhl
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:34 am

Changed the time and day on Morgan's post to Wed. 8pm est. He is away and won't be back for Monday. Lets gather everyone that works there for this too. :)

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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:43 am

Will try to be there in her role as guard, but it's at an awkward time for me. Might not make it until 8:30-9:00.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:23 pm

Changed it to 8pm for people who need to do dinner and irl things. That's EST time on Wed.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Jodice on Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:22 am

Expect a member from either the GoB or the lodge of strength to attend.
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