Journey to the Two Entities (story-line open to all)

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Journey to the Two Entities (story-line open to all)

Postby Tehya on Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:07 am

Journey to the Two Entities!

Tehya was in Stormbringer's Temple which was close to the palace along the river. The temple that looked more like nature than a building was sending the sweet scent of incense outdoors. Heavy overgrowth hid the golden roof, and trees along side it were bursting into blossom. It was so close to the palace she came here every day to pray. The overgrowth of leaves was over the temple's roof, but the doors were wide open. Inside

Tehya knelt before the altar praying and she was dressed in all black, not a color she would usually choose. Those cornflower blue eyes were closed as her prayers went on, and she whispered to her god Stormbringer,
"Please guide me to find Traghorn, so she can destroy the nightmares the chaotic one insists others become plagued with."

Ellyssa grins wickedly as she sees how much she has distracted the dryad from her task, and eventually withdraws her two fingers, sucking on them salaciously and savoring the taste of dryad sap.

Wade watched as the skies crackled, but there is no thunder... a moment later a strong, forceful wind whipped down the main toad of the forest, but it's not a chill air but it's warm... Dry, almost desiccating in its touch, a flash of silver, then another is seen high in the atmosphere...
Wade banks hard, fast on his tails, Diana swooped in... It had become the world's greatest game of sky-tag, or, at least thus far... Wade dropped the spells just as her claws stretched to reach him and he drops like a atone

Aeoles bound from tree to tree, his wings and tails allowing him to traverse the tree tops with skilled ease. His copper scales glinting in the light, the wind whipped through his hair as he took a great dive from the tree tops, spiraling and catching branches and swinging as he stopped his descent just before the forest floor. Eyes flashed with interest as he glanced about, looking for anything at all.

Maevin making his way down a path of the forest the hooded robed Moriel was roaming down a path. Not sure what lies deep in these woods, eventually coming across a large castle. Wondering what was there. Seeing the doors open he would enter. His feet made stepping noises that could be heard.

Tehya... Truth is she had a selfish reason to pray so hard and wanting the nightmares to end. No one would think so seeing the elf praying and bowed before her God in such reverence. The time has come to use her mind as with most bards it wasn't always so pristine and innocent. Today was the first day she actually prayed to see, if he would help her. Righting herself from her prayer and kneeling position she sat in the pews waiting.

Wade Diana, in a panic dives, Wade rolls and then he slows....they smack into each other, it's like a 747 smacking a cessna frankly, wades lost (you can see the tails a flapping tho) and then WHUMP! They land not far from the temples..

Maevin noticing a person praying at a statue he would wait for the elf girl to finish her prayer before approaching her. His arms would be crossed looking around the castle. Once she was done he would say. Seems religion is big around these parts."

Aeoles spotted the temple and nodded, hearing the loud whump as Wade landed. His hands were ready, flying to his blades but then he stopped...It wasn't of any real interest to him. Taking off on a brisk walk he stepped to the temple, with a nod he stepped in trying to not cause a scene. He moved silently through the temple, blending into the shadows best he could, scouting out the inside as he moved.

Tehya.. They would see this temple was near the river, and by no magic the fishermen were bringing in an abundance of fish. She turned hearing one speak and smiled, trying to turn all her charm for a devious reason.

"He tells me I should seek the dragon of dreams." Unbeknown to her if the caster of nightmares was near. She knew some of the faces but was unsure of others. Paranoid she asked, "Who sent you?"

Wade groans... the dirt was soft, and the clearing free of deadfall or stumps, thankfully.. Wade drags himself up with a groan only to be bowled over by the rambunctious Mephos. “erf!” pushing him she noses Wade through the thicket.. He appears not far behind them. “sent me? was I supposed to be here?” he says looking at Diana, who lol at him ambiguously. “The Lady sent me, yeah that's the ticket.” he grins, “so uh.. What's the ...

Carnage-IG gritted his teeth as a former recruit; now Lieutenant of the Imperial Guard; gave him his orders for the day. There was no anger towards the man, but the words he used regarding the Elders. If Carnage had no self control, he'd have punched him in the jaw...and had already made it a point to seek the man out when they were off duty and do just that. But now, he saw fit to head to a place he had only seen from afar. Clad in the uniform

Carnage-IG of the Imperial Guard and armed with his weapons; he ventured inside in time to hear the familiar looking woman speaking aloud.

Maevin "Dragon of Dreams...from what I've read Drak sen are created from dreams. Never heard of tjis dragon of dreams." Looking the woman over he did not mind what he saw. Though she had a charm and being of moriel heritage he knew about charm and manipulation. "What's your name?"

Ailbe_Are walked slowly on foot through the forest, and stops. The druid sees an in familiar temple. The Cat-man slowly moves forwards in a calm style to not scare any animas inside.

Wade.. d... ragons.. Seriously? They're real? *wades never seen a dragon, not outside of a book, anyways. “Well count me in.. “ he turns, putting a hand on Dianas’ neck.. He falls silent., then says one word: “Home.” and just after he says this, she takes off, circling a minute before heading east. Wade checks his wrist crossbows, loading them both, and then checks his weapons.

Vanity After overhearing chatter in the inn regarding a search for an elder dragon, Vanity made the decision to join as well. Knowledge of another Elder dragon, especially one who had gone missing would no doubt be information that her own Elder would find of use. Now as she nears the immense temple where the search would commence she sees a small gathering of people and approaches them, her white

Vanity's hair flowing in the warm afternoon breeze, her silver scaled tail shimmering as it swayed freely behind her. Her dagger was sheathed to a belt that encircled her leather clad waist and her high heeled boots clicked on the ground beneath her feet as she joined the crowd and smiled.

“I am Vanity, I wish to join this search for this Dragon of dreams.” She then looks to the woman who seems to be in charge of the search. “May I have the name of this Elder?”

Aeoles heard the statement and sighed, rolling onto his hands he walked forward on his palms, "Dragons are fickled, they create and can ignore us their entire lives...a dreamer is a dangerous thing, and The Dragon of Dreams, well, I can only imagine." He stepped out of the shadows now, his voice was like silk and, acid green eyes flicked about, counting everyone present as he made mental notes. He hated dealing with dragons, he was one of the weirder draks in the land who didn't like dealing with dragons.

Tehya... The Imperial Guard was here, and she was convinced her God approved of what she was about to do. Needing bards she asked.

"With anyone that can sing, play or tell stories, we need you to convince Traghorn she is needed to come with us. Others who can guard us along the way we need as well, the journey to Traghorn's den takes awhile and we will need flying beasts to bring us there.

Taking a breath the excitement running through her made her look at each one to see what they could do to help. It was time to introduce her to those she didn't know. "I am Tehya, the Imperial bard."

Wade! Rummaged in his bag, and pulls out his Y flute. “I can play.” he grins. “Will be nice to do this way other than blood and gore.”

Maevin "Traghorn?" He would loft a brow as he would be looking towards Tehya. Hearing other voices around he would assume others were nearby. "Well I'm no musician. Magic is my forte."

Tehya... She had been here all morning telling stories that she intended on telling the Emperor on returning home to the palace, and she played a beautiful song he liked before prayer. When all this was going on she was oblivious who was walking by or entering until she seen Maevin..

"Traghorn is of magic too, you should see what she has in her den." 6 It was a lure to anyone the way she said it, but if they find the den... a surprise would be seen.

Ailbe_Are slowly closing in he can hear a voice he stops, and listen he whispers "of dreams, eh."

Vanity nods at Tehya in greeting, then repeated the name that was given. “Traghorn…my Elder has given me no reference for her…” She says speaking almost to herself. Then she looked toward, Tehya. “I know nothing of singing, playing music and I have no stories to tell, I also have no means of flying, but I can lend my aid in the form of magic.”

Ellyssa After her encounter with Gelia, Ellyssa had gotten dressed again and made her way to her mephos barn. Saddling the red and silver beast, she had led Seraphina out into the yard and had mounted easily.

"Let's chase the Wind, my Beauty!" She cries and her mephos leaps into the air. Gaining altitude with her eagle familiar flying to join them, Ellyssa flies high over the forest, just setting out to enjoy the wind and the joy of flying

Carnage-IG wore no visible armor yet carried a shield over his shoulder and a sheathed blade on his hip. With the aid of a thick leather strap and binding, he carried an larger blade on his back. The Imperial Guard symbol and medal rested on the uniform that covered his torso while a blue cloak covered his back and heavy sword. A familiar voice rang out and though the comments made the Paladin's blood boil, he simply narrowed his eyes at the

Carnage-IG familiar Draksen male. "Fickle is not the word I would use to describe an Elder." was his response. He allowed himself a moment to take in the faces of those who were in the temple and saw he only recognized Tehya and Aeoles. The white haired Draksen female stood out to him and he repeated the name, Vanity. As he thought of the past experience with Traghorn he nodded briefly.

"I will not be singing. But I will offer my sword and shield

Carnage-IG in service to those who can convince Traghorn to give us aid." He heard they would require a way to travel via the sky; he turned and exited the temple. Peering up to see where his earlier ride had gone to, he spotted the familiar glint of green and purple scales and didn't hesitate to give four high pitched whistles. Within a matter of moments his Mephos eagerly descended and the man instructed the creature to remain there. Looking back he observed Vanity, "You are more than free to ride with me." he offered.

Vanity lifts an eyebrow as she glances over at the High Elf. She then nods in acceptance of his offer. “That will do, Elf. I thank you.” She then moves over to stand next to him a she continues to listen to the information being given.

Tehya... One hand went to her heart for she was being sincere to all about why and who she was looking for, since she wasn't so up front on what her real reason was. Even through her smile those tainted blue lips curled up and it faded quickly.

"Most of us have mephos and I am sure there are enough to gather to fly.

" It's evident to any who were keen to bard's tales to see she wasn't telling all. "You are all welcome to come along, I am sure we can manage." A nod to Carnage wanting the strength of guards to be with them along this journey.

Wade... Oh hell, I just wanna see a dragon, knock that shit of my fuckit list. *he grins pocketing his flute. *you know, the list we have to get done before we say ‘fuckit. I'm dead.”

Aeoles looked at Carnage and flashed a broad smile, his teeth were filed down to fine points, "Hello, we cross paths again." He looked at Tehya and rolled onto his feet, "I am Aeoles, Information Merchant and Procurement Specialist." He bowed low, his wings spreading wide, "I may not be much of a performer, but I can still be of use." He opened his jacket, exposing the twin katar he kept at his side, "Not much of a use in combat either, but I am willing to throw down my life." He laughed at this and paced, "You know, I don't recall ever actually meeting a dragon."

Ailbe_Are Stands "I will also join. "

Wade I'm in. *that's all wade adds. “Anyone.. need a lift?” wade waves a hand, floating off the ground a few feet.

"I will most likely. Need to get my hands on a flight spell."

Ailbe_Are runs over to wade "I am in need." and waits for a response

Wade floated closer. “Take my hand then.” He extends an arm, the sun heliographing behind his head, haloing the white robed vulpine in light that seemed to cause him to glow, almost..Or was that the magic?

Aeoles thought for a moment and looked at his wings lamenting, "I'm not much of a flyer, I actually cannot fly at all, but I sure can climb...So, I might need someone to give me a lift." He flashed his bright smile again, if it weren't for him being so jovial that smile might actually seem off putting.

Tehya... She had room on her mephos,

"I can carry two I believe, but my mephos is a stubborn beast. We should gather supplies and a gift to Traghorn, I believe she likes gifts by the looks of her den."
She didn't want to spoil their surprise but the den was a huge surprise when Tehya seen it.

"Can we take a week to gather one intricate gift being it made by hand, songs written, Guards and magic users ready by their practices?"

Ailbe_Are extends his hand are to take wades. "Thanks for this." he nods

Wade ...the glow extends to Ailbe and he begins to float, the wind whirling around him giving him lift.
”Sure, so.. You want us to write songs.. uh.. ok.” wade makes a face then smiles. “I'll do my best but, let's hope I don't botch it. I'm actually terrible at

Ailbe_Are says to wades direction "If you give the music I can help in words."

Wade... I can create music, yeah. Words? Not so much so, any help would be.. grand

Carnage-IG couldn't help but smile and shake his head at Aeoles as the Draksen introduced himself as an obtainer of information. And as he opened his jacket to show the deadly weapons, it reminded the High Elf that the Thief was capable of doing much more than gathering information. He too would listen and watch as the Torian mounted her own Mephos and the floating Vulpine along with the others. As Tehya suggested they prepare over the next week

Carnage-IG he nodded in agreement and still turned to offer the empty space on Merquill to Vanity. The white haired woman with silver scales had jumped out at him and he wanted nothing more than to know at least a little about the woman who would be accompanying him and the others.

"You are welcome, and I hope you are not afraid of heights Vanity." he said to Vanity before turning and moving towards Merquill. The eagerness of the winged beast

Carnage-IG was noticeable as he shook his body and quickly crouched low enough to allow his owner and guest to take a seat upon his saddle; which Carnage promptly did.

Maevin > "I am a magic caster. Not much of a craftsman other than Alchemy."

Ailbe_Are "Then it's settled. I will make the words. I have no knowledge of music, but I can sing."

Tehya... She liked that the bards showed themselves and were working together that was always the plan behind any excursion.

"There are all kinds of magic, be it song, or fire, or even ice..You all will be needed .I remember this huge den on the way that had beasts of ice in it. When we passed it became so cold and shards of ice fell from the sky. Dress warm."

Aeoles thought for a moment and held up a hand, "I am not naturally inclined with making anything...I can find information maybe, get something that could be useful from someone else maybe?" He paced a moment and thought for a moment.

"But I can probably find something or someone who can help me." He walked up to Tehya and smiled, "I can try my best." Turning he rolled onto his palms and moved about, "No idea what I can do though."
Wade so can I.. I just suck at lyrics. *wade offers him a hand. “names Wade, Wade uth Matar.. “ he says. wade barely whispers, but Ailbe can hear him.. Perfectly. makes you wonder what he would do if he shouted...

Ailbe_Are "Ailbe, Ailbe Are. I'm use to singing random songs, but never played an increment. I think it's luck we found each other."

Tehya... She wondered if any knew her ex mate was of Chaos, she didn't bring that up. A resentful scorned Sylvan bit her lip, wondering if the beast of a man might try and stop them. He was so into himself, probably hating the dragon of dreams. No she didn't mention that but instead listened to those joining. She did give a little mumble about the master of nightmares. Some may have heard her. But she held her head high, and didn't give any inkling of it.

Vanity... “A gift for an Elder…” Vanity murmurs, tilting her head to one side as she tries to imagine what she could possibly gift to one that had likely been in existence since the creation of time itself.

“I will do my best to find something that will be acceptable to her.” Nodding at Carnage she moved to climb up on his beautiful Mephos. “Heights do not frighten me, High Elf. At least not that I know of. This will be the first opportunity I have had to fly. I look forward to it.” Atop the Mephos, she then spoke to Tehya. “I have spells that can help melt any ice we encounter and I will work to strengthen this magic while we wait for our journey to begin.”

Wade looks at Tehya, but says nothing. There's a dark glint of recognition though, and he presses his lips shut hard. An outward sign that information wasn't something he considered relevant, though shocking.

Aeoles rolled onto his feet again and walked past Vanity, trailing a long sharpened nail under her chin as he passed, "Remember, dragons are fickle.

" He grinned and laughed to himself, "Get them something ephemeral, something that is fleeting that they cannot get easily...compliments, bribe them, give them a song or a story...I am not skilled with any of them." He laughed again and paced about once more, "I need to get someone to help me."
Tehya... She wasn't silly enough to give that one secret away, it might not come to be anyways, but she did warn them.

"Besides the ice there is one that can't stand dreams without chaos, hope we don't meet him.

" In all reality she hoped Traghorn would stop the nightmares that plagued her. A nod given with a smile, liking the enthusiasm she has seen so far

"We need to pick or make our offerings and I am sure there are enough mephos to share." 6 a bright smile was given to Aeoles, "Yes they are!"

Ellyssa Unaware of what is occurring just beyond the range of even her own vision, the red-winged torian on the back of her scarlet mephos simply revels in the joys of flight. Seraphina catches a thermal and spirals high into the sky.

Maevin "Neither am I. I'm more combat oriented than anything." Places how hand in the pockets of his robe idly standing by.

Tehya... She looked out the window to see Ellyssa gliding above, knowing another with a mephos would be a big help. Even she had to think what to offer Traghorn, the den had so much in it, something unique that would be hard to do. While in thought she took pen and paper writing the names of those who were coming, and what they excelled in. It was a nice mix, and she couldn't have thought of a better one if she tried.

Aeoles put her off in the fact she thought he was the mysterious spy she seen in the palace.

Carnage-IG allowed Vanity to continue speaking to Tehya and the rest. He lifted a brow at Tehya, wondering if his pierced ears had correctly heard the words that came out of her mouth. Though the group seemed to be a jumbled mess, he did hear and see they were openly communicating and sharing their skills and weaknesses regarding the task at hand. However, he saw fit to simply take this time to himself. He was going through his own struggles regarding the Elder he served and he did not wish to complicate things; and he hoped this would not do just that. He watched as Aeoles stood on his tip toes and managed to touch Vanity on the back of Merquill; as his finger trailed over the woman's chin he lifted a brow and eyed the man. He did not manage to speak on the incident after Tehya's voice filled the air; a warning about things that could happen. As she spoke of offering she nudged Merquill's neck with the palm of his hand, a simple quiet instruction to prepare to take off. He spoke loud enough for those around him to hear, "Understood. A week from today, and if needed anyone can reach me at the barracks in Nanthalion; or the barracks in Valencia.".

Vanity lifts an eyebrow but does not pull away as Aeole,s trails his nail across the skin under her chin she then nods her understanding of the advice he has given. “I will take your advice into consideration, Aeoles. If I am needed for any reason, I can be found at the inn. Carnage, let us take our leave.” She says, wrapping her arms around the waist of the High Elf as she prepares Vanity for the Mephos beneath them to take to the sky.

Aeoles whistled and just walked away, his hands behind his head as he moved. He was going to find something to entertain himself, he reached the door he turned to Tehya and winked at her. Exiting the temple he just walked away into the forest.

Tehya she ported out but not to her home, a little spying never harmed any curious elf. Off she went to her ex's lands to see if that Master of nightmares still existed.

It was agreed in a week's time they would make an original gift for the dragon of dreams Traghorn, knowing that already she has a den full of gifts and relics. So their gifts should be something the dragon may have longed for or pertains to the gift giver.

What they weren't told that Grandung the master of nightmares might try and intervene.

Artists' Ambit has been opened in Town, the building can be used for their crafts, song writing, and any artistic endeavors.There was even places for instruments, and artist easels, an ideal place to write song or stories.

(This story-line is open for any to play. Feel free if you were not in this ---to write your beginning posts here. There would not be any posters to be found in town, but this is a huge chance for the bards to tell this tale and gather more to join in.)

Feel free to rp on your own at Artists`Ambit making your gifts for Traghorn, or praying to your Gods, including in Stormbringer's Temple for a safe journey.

(This should pick up next week sometime, if I don't land back in the hospital)
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