Club Challange

Stories, poetry and pictures created by players here

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Club Challange

Postby Goldentiger on Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:29 pm

This is a story I was challanged to do by the one of my club members.

I could just make out the windows high in the castle wall. As I stood there starring up at them a gust of cold wind rushed in bring with it fog and clouds. It also brought with it the distant sound of a lone wolf howling. I shivered when I heard that sound and I thought to myself ‘That sounded really close.’
As I stood there a bit longer the fog began to become denser so I decided to call it a day. I turned and began to move away but I stopped and looked back at the windows one last time thanking to myself again ‘I’ll be back Carol my dear sister.’
With that I very carefully headed into the fog. The fog continued to get denser the further I went. After a while it finally blocked out all sight around me. At one point I had to stop to get my bearings and when I did I heard the howl again and this time it was even closer.
‘Shit,’ I thought as I started to move again. ‘Is that wolf following me or something?’
That thought distracted me far to long and I tripped on a protruding tree root that was hidden by the fog. I let out a curse as I fell forward. In doing so my life was saved. For at that moment something thudded into the tree trunk above me.
I slow rise to one knee and rubbed the ankle that hit the tree root. I shakily get to my feet using the tree as support. As I stand slowly my hand moves up the tree trunk and hits low hanging branch. I grabbed the branch to help me keep my balance but that was a mistake. The branch broke away when I grabbed it and I almost fell again.
“Shit,” I said as I quickly regained my balance before I fell again. “What kind of branch is this?”
I lifted the branch and was surprised to find I was holding an arrow instead of a branch. It was then that I realized that it was the arrow I heard hitting the tree.
“What the fuck?” I said looking at the arrow. “Is someone trying to kill me? If so why?”
I balled my hand into a fist around the arrow snapping it in two. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings and paid the price as something hit me hard from behind knocking me down. There was another thud just above me and whatever knocked me down.
‘Shit,’ I thought. ‘I keep forgetting that I need to pay attention when I’m in fog.’
I tried to push whatever was on top of me off but it refused to budge. There was a sudden deep low growl in my right ear. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a large white muzzle with very sharp teeth. I slowly turned my head so I could see what was on top of me. I nearly had a heart attack from what I saw. For the muzzle belonged to a large white wolf who was looking at me with one yellow eye.
“Stay down or you’re dead,” it snarled.
I couldn’t have seen or heard what I did. I had what seemed like a giant white wolf lying on top of me.
“I must be fucking dreaming,” I thought out loud.
“You’re not dreaming human,” said the wolf. “If you want to stay alive you will do what I tell you.”
It snarled at me and I swallowed hard before I nodded. The wolf got off me and said “Stay low and follow me as closely and don’t stray or get too far behind.”
I nodded and said nervously “Al…Alright.”
I slowly got to my feet but didn’t fully stand and looked at the wolf who quickly headed into the fog. I shook my head and followed it as best as I could in my position. I wanted to ask where it was leading me but I didn’t know if it would answer me or rip my throat out. So I decided to stay quiet and let it lead me to where ever it was leading me.
After a while I ventured to ask “Why are you helping me?”
The wolf just let out a growl and kept moving through the fog. I let out a groan and continued to follow the large wolf.
After a while the fog began to thin. Soon after that we arrived in a clearing full of beautful naked women. When I saw them my first thought was I had died and this was my reward for being such a good guy. I thought ‘ Yeah right. Since when have I been a good guy.’
As I look around my gaze landed on the wolf that had brought me. It was looking at me suspiciously and said “Don’t get any ideas.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said with a shrug.
The wolf snorted as I turn my attention back to the clearing. When I did I noticed that several of the women were approaching me. I quickly looked over at the wolf but found that it wasn’t there anymore. Instead there was a pale naked woman with waist length black hair standing there.
“Shit,” I said stumbling back. “You’re a Werewolf?”
The woman looked at me and smirked.
“What you thought that wolves were that large and could talk?” she asked before bowing to the approaching women. It was true I had never been that close to a real wolf and didn’t know much about them.
“Well done Kaolin,” said the middle woman when they reached us.
“Thank you miss,” said Kaolin.
“Wh…” I began but couldn’t get the whole word out due to my mouth and throat being very dry. I swallowed several times before I could talk again.
Before I could say anything the woman who had spoken said “My name is Juliesa and I bet you’re wondering why you’re here, am I right?”
I just nodded and she smiled.
“You were brought here for your own safety,” she said.
That really confused me. As well as made me mad.
“What do you mean my safety?” I said. “Look I have to go figure out how to safe my sister.”
I turn and start toward the edge of the clear but was stopped by Kaolin.
“I’m afraid you’re too late,” she said.
I look sharply at her and asked a bit angrily “What do you mean?”
“What Kaolin means is that your sister is already dead,” said another woman.
I turn my gaze onto her and said “You’re lying.”
“No she isn’t,” said Juliesa. “Samara was the one who found her broken body and brought it here.”
Juliesa turns and gestures for me to follow. I narrow my eye and move further into the clearing. As I do the rest of the women move in closer and also start to follow.
“Are you all werewolves?” I asked as I look around at different women. They ranged in skin tones from as pale as Kaolin to very dark skin. They were all really beautiful.
Irontail, Rita Highlander Hitar, Rhain Stormcloud, Iriam, Canthia, Mayuki, Karatha, Rosa
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Re: Club Challange

Postby Tehya on Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:04 am

Hope you're enjoying your writers club. Are you going to continue the story? It was an interesting read, and would love to read the continuation.
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