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Frozen ice holding a brillant heart.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:49 am
by VanMasterson
*cruia walks up to the board in town..nervous as she looks to Van as he made a poem and asks him for help....she cannot write but her heart wants this to be told so Van writes it for her as she begins*

Mistress of my heart and rescued me when in times of savior and love...for you I would sail to the heavens eyes they cry just for you...I cannot say anything more are my drak sen light in which I that light I shall forever scaled mistress I look to you....wishing to forever be in your arms till all night are thru....your smile I work for everyday...also my hopes to someday with you I mistress this heart beats strongly for thee...for with you my mind body and soul are always fate is twined with you evermore....may one day I fly with you to a distant shore

Re: Frozen ice holding a brillant heart.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:59 am
by Sha`Ruse
Beautiful My Dear. Beautiful.