Perception of Ancient Moriel

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Perception of Ancient Moriel

Postby Ithilwen on Sat May 26, 2018 5:09 pm

In my studies of the ancient elven culture, before the collapse things appear to be normal from what text I've found dating back to that period. When the Elves first started to colonize this plane of existence they were tasked by gaia to protect their new home, and for a time they did. Recently though I've found text from ancient sylvan druids which refer to the Móre Vanta or translated into common dark walk. Apparently according to these text moriel existed before the split of the elves into high, sylvan and moriel. These ancient moriel did not exist in the current state we know the moriel today. According to these texts corruption in the forest caused the plant life to manifest golems, which had sexual urges. The creation of these golems was most likely nature’s way of attempting to get rid of the corruption. These texts describe the more corruption the land had the more lustful the golem would be.

In the ancient past those responsible for performing the móre vanta was a sect of female elven druids tasked with dealing with this corruption. The ritual got its name due to the dark color there skin took on from the purification ritual, which made them appear similar to the moriel we know today. The condition of this dark skin was temporary according to the text. A second ritual of purification was used to remove the corruption from the female elves returning them to normal. Though I haven't found any record of what this ritual was called or how it was performed. As time went on and the elves slowly became the high elves this practice was used less and less until it completely stopped. Corruption was allowed to permeate the land, and these golems slain instead of purified. Which probably spread the corruption to the land where the golem was slain, instead of it being gotten rid of from the land. Kurva herself most likely used a version of the móre vanta to create the first moriel. After the kin war and the sundering a section of elves we now call the sylvan began to tend to nature again, as was there original task. It is unknown though if modern sylvan have rediscovered the móre vanta though, and is most likely a closely guarded secret by there druids if they do.

This though does cause a question to come up in my mind. It is easy to see a sylvan elf, and high elf trading places rather easily as it is just a matter of social upbringing. All it would take was an adjustment period to get use to the new social normal of the society the elf has entered. The question is more of the moriel. If ancient moriel were indeed just tainted female elves, who performed the móre vanta, then couldn't one say the moriel could be cured of there what we will call "morielism". Some might say the case is that is no longer possible, since the moriel are birthed with kirva's corruption rooted deeply into their veins. Though one has to wonder if the moriel did corrupt the surface land, and were able to create these golems, could they use the móre vanta to create more female moriel? This is a question that we scholars may never find an answer to.

Picture which inspired this right up. Note: not my work just an image found on the internet.

Móre Vanta being performed
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