Work in progress

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Work in progress

Postby Ryke Masha on Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:18 am

So I decided to work on this short story more and decided to streamline it some. I used Grammarly to clean up the first two parts and will post new parts as I write them. I hope yall enjoy reading this.

It was a clear night of a full moon as I wandered through the woods of my backyard as I have done many times before to clear my head before bed. It was nearing midnight this particle night when I crossed into a circle of mushrooms. The moon's light suddenly began to shine brighter causing me to look up in wonder. As I looked back down I was suddenly at the shores of a lake with the moon shining across the near mirror-like surface of the water. That is when I saw her. The woman who would end up taking control over my life while saving it at the same time. She stood there in a dark royal blue gown hovering just a few inches about the lake. She held herself with pride and power as she looks away from the sky and at my arrival. Her eyes were like the moon itself, bright, round, and full of life. Her mouth begins to spread into a wide grin as she realizes what is happening and begins floating over to me. That is when I noticed the dragonfly-like wings on her back.
The light of the moon played tricks on those wings as she floated over to me so effortlessly. The light that passed through them caused an array full of color to be splashed onto the water. I stood there in fear and wonderment as I wonder if I had gotten hit on the head and knocked out. I took a careful step backward as she came towards me with that wide smile on her face that made her look innocent and beautiful, but at the same time, there was some uneasy and malicious about that smile. As I took that step backward I committed myself to this new world I found myself in. The light of the moon began to dim down as soon as my foot left the circle of mushrooms and this woman's eyes light up even more as she begins to laugh to herself "Oh you poor human, You shouldn't have left the circle" she says as she stopped in front of said circle. Her foot now touchdown onto the ground and she walks closer to me and I put my hands up in defense "I don't know who or what you are but please stop" she only laughed in response to my fear
"Oh, dear human," she says in such a sweet voice that dripped with something behind it. What it is could be I couldn't tell "You are in the realm of the fae now and you belong to me now," she said walking up to me with her left arm lifting. Her hands were smooth and soft as it came up to touch my face but her nails were nearly claw-like as she dragged them across my face trailing down to my neck with me frozen in fear of what she was going to do to me. I was scared she was going to do what others have done before as she traced one point nail around my neck "You will serve me human. You are stuck here now" she said and my eyes began to tear up as I try to speak but couldn't find my voice as only gasps came from my mouth. But I knew I had to do something so I mustered whatever strength I had and stepped back away, again and again, trying to get myself from her but she grabbed my arm squeezing hard as pain shoots up my arm and my mind goes back to a place I didn't want it to go. I break down at that moment. I just remember falling and curling up into a ball telling her to stop but that is all I remember as the world around me falls into a void.
Ryke Joe Ariel Summer Takuran Fenris Elensar Aurelie Avidicus
Ryke Masha
Posts: 227
Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 9:57 pm

Re: Work in progress

Postby Tehya on Mon Feb 10, 2020 6:42 pm

Nice story...very descriptive. Keep writing!
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Re: Work in progress

Postby Ryke Masha on Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:26 am

It was a clear night of a full moon as I wandered through the woods of my backyard as I have done many times before to clear my head before bed. It was nearing midnight this particle night when I crossed into a circle of mushrooms. The moon's light suddenly began to shine brighter causing me to look up in wonder.

As I looked back down I was suddenly at the shores of a lake with the moon shining across the near mirror-like surface of the water. That is when I saw her. The woman who would end up taking control over my life while saving it at the same time. She stood there in a dark royal blue gown hovering just a few inches about the lake. She held herself with pride and power as she looks away from the sky and at my arrival.

Her eyes were like the moon itself, bright, round, and full of life. Her mouth begins to spread into a wide grin as she realizes what is happening and begins floating over to me. That is when I noticed the dragonfly-like wings on her back. The light of the moon played tricks on those wings as she floated over to me so effortlessly. The light that passed through them caused an array full of color to be splashed onto the water. I stood there in fear and wonderment as I wonder if I had gotten hit on the head and knocked out earlier.

I took a careful step backward as she came towards me with that wide smile on her face that made her look innocent and beautiful, but at the same time, there was some uneasy and malicious about that smile. As I took that step backward I committed myself to this new world I found myself in. The light of the moon began to dim down as soon as my foot left the circle of mushrooms and this woman's eyes light up even more as she begins to laugh to herself

"Oh you poor human, You shouldn't have left the circle," she says as she stopped in front of said circle.

Her foot now touchdown onto the ground and she walks closer to me and I put my hands up in defense
"I don't know who or what you are but please stop" she only laughed in response to my fear
"Oh, dear human," she says in such a sweet voice that dripped with something behind it. What it is could be I couldn't tell "You are in the realm of the fae now and you belong to me now," she said walking up to me with her left arm lifting.

Her hands were smooth and soft as it came up to touch my face but her nails were nearly claw-like as she dragged them across my face trailing down to my neck with me frozen in fear of what she was going to do to me. I was scared she was going to do what others have done before as she traced one point nail around my neck "You will serve me human. You are stuck here now" she said and my eyes began to tear up as I try to speak but couldn't find my voice as only gasps came from my mouth.

But I knew I had to do something so I mustered whatever strength I had and stepped back away, again and again, trying to get myself from her but she grabbed my arm squeezing hard as pain shoots up my arm and my mind goes back to a place I didn't want it to go. I break down at that moment. I just remember falling and curling up into a ball telling her to stop but that is all I remember as the world around me falls into a void.

Soon I woke up from the darkness in a different place then I was and still in a panic. I looked at myself and I was still clothed and unharmed. I was laying in a bed made of various plants and truth be told it was very comfortable. I looked around the room as my mind begins to clear. It was a simple wooden room made of dark wood with light pouring in through the windows but beyond that, there was nothing but the bed.

As I move out of the bed the door opens and she enters.

"Oh you woke up finally," she said

I recoiled back onto the bed "I want to go home," I said defensively.

She chuckled some "You still don't realize what is going on do you human?" She asked

I shook my head "Not really but I want to go home"

she smirks "You are in the Fae realm now child and you belong to me. You can't go home" she said as a chair comes from the floor and she sits down "Now what is your name?" She asked.

Something deep down inside told me not to tell her but something else came over me as well that said I should. It was like two competing sides of me battling to say but finally, I had enough and figured if I play nice for now I can figure out a way home and escape this nightmare.

"My name is Alec," I said and right there my fate was truly sealed

She just nodded "Good human," she says while crossing her legs and soon summons another chair from the floor. It was enticing to see the wood begin to grow and shape with her will.

After the chair, she summoned a table as well and beckoned me to the empty seat. I stayed where I was at the bed shaking my head and she sighs "Fine" she says looking a little annoyed "Like I said you are in the fae realm now. Since I was first upon you I am claiming you" she says

She waves her hand over the table forming a bowl and a knife "I command you, Alec, to come and sit and give me your hand" she ordered

I felt my body begin to move on its own without any input from me and I was helpless as I sat down across from her and offered her my hand. I sat there in fear as she sliced my hand open just enough to get blood dripping out from my palms. I let out a scream of pain that went ignored as my blood dripped into the bowl.

She drips her fingers into the bowl and begins to chant something I couldn't understand and it began to glow. I took my hand back finally and held my hand shut close to my chest the pain still pulsing through it. She gets up ordering to stay still and again I was helpless as she drew something around my neck using my own blood. When she finished I felt a surge of weird power and energy flow throughout my body.

I stayed there fearful for my life and wondering what in the hell was going on now "there the ritual is done. You are now my servant and oh check your hand" she said. In the confusion and fear, I looked down and the blood was gone and my hand was healed. It was then she spoke again in that weird language and suddenly I was knocked out.
Ryke Joe Ariel Summer Takuran Fenris Elensar Aurelie Avidicus
Ryke Masha
Posts: 227
Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 9:57 pm

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